Afivo  0.3
1 #include "../src/cpp_macros.h"
2 !> \example advection_v2.f90
3 !>
4 !> An advection example
5 program advection
6  use m_af_all
8  implicit none
10  integer, parameter :: box_size = 8
11  integer :: i_phi
12  integer :: i_err
13  integer :: i_flux
14  integer, parameter :: sol_type = 2
15  real(dp), parameter :: domain_len = 2 * acos(-1.0_dp)
17  type(af_t) :: tree
18  type(ref_info_t) :: refine_info
19  integer :: refine_steps, output_cnt
20  real(dp) :: dt, dt_lim, time, time_prev_refine
21  real(dp) :: end_time, err, sum_err2
22  real(dp) :: sum_phi, sum_phi_t0
23  real(dp) :: dt_amr, dt_output
24  real(dp) :: velocity(NDIM)
25  real(dp) :: cfl_number
26  integer :: integrator
27  character(len=100) :: fname
28  character(len=20) :: flux_method
30  print *, "Running advection_" // dimname // ""
31  print *, "Number of threads", af_get_max_threads()
33  flux_method = "generic"
35  if (command_argument_count() > 0) then
36  call get_command_argument(1, flux_method)
37  end if
39  integrator = af_heuns_method
41  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "phi", ix=i_phi, &
42  n_copies=af_advance_num_steps(integrator))
43  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "err", ix=i_err)
44  call af_add_fc_variable(tree, "flux", ix=i_flux)
46  call af_set_cc_methods(tree, i_phi, af_bc_neumann_zero, &
47  prolong=af_prolong_limit)
49  ! Initialize tree
50  call af_init(tree, & ! Tree to initialize
51  box_size, & ! A box contains box_size**DIM cells
52  [dtimes(domain_len)], &
53  [dtimes(box_size)], &
54  periodic=[dtimes(.true.)])
56  output_cnt = 0
57  time = 0
58  dt_amr = 0.01_dp
59  dt_output = 0.5_dp
60  end_time = 5.0_dp
61  velocity(:) = -0.5_dp
62  velocity(1) = 1.0_dp
63  cfl_number = 0.5_dp
65  ! Set up the initial conditions
66  refine_steps=0
68  do
69  refine_steps=refine_steps+1
70  ! Set initial conditions on all boxes
71  call af_loop_box(tree, set_initial_condition)
73  ! Fill ghost cells for variables i_phi
74  call af_gc_tree(tree, [i_phi])
76  ! Adjust the refinement of a tree using refine_routine
77  call af_adjust_refinement(tree, refine_routine, refine_info, 1)
79  ! If no new boxes have been added, exit the loop
80  if (refine_info%n_add == 0) exit
81  end do
83  call af_print_info(tree)
85  ! Restrict the initial conditions
86  call af_restrict_tree(tree, [i_phi])
88  ! Fill ghost cells for variables i_phi on the sides of all boxes
89  call af_gc_tree(tree, [i_phi])
91  call af_tree_sum_cc(tree, i_phi, sum_phi_t0)
93  dt = cfl_number / (sum(abs(velocity/af_min_dr(tree))) + epsilon(1.0_dp))
94  time_prev_refine = time
96  ! Starting simulation
97  do
98  if (output_cnt * dt_output <= time) then
99  output_cnt = output_cnt + 1
100  write(fname, "(A,I0)") "output/advection_v2_" // dimname // "_", output_cnt
102  ! Call procedure set_error (see below) for each box in tree, with argument time
103  call af_loop_box_arg(tree, set_error, [time])
105  ! Write the cell centered data of tree to a vtk unstructured file fname.
106  ! Only the leaves of the tree are used
107  call af_write_silo(tree, trim(fname), output_cnt, time)
109  ! Find maximum and minimum values of cc(..., i_err) and cc(..., i_phi).
110  ! By default, only loop over leaves, and ghost cells are not used.
111  call af_tree_maxabs_cc(tree, i_err, err)
112  call af_tree_sum_cc(tree, i_phi, sum_phi)
113  call af_tree_sum_cc(tree, i_err, sum_err2, power=2)
114  write(*,"(3(A,Es16.8))") &
115  " max error:", err, &
116  " mean error:", sqrt(sum_err2/af_total_volume(tree)), &
117  " conservation error: ", (sum_phi - sum_phi_t0) / sum_phi_t0
118  end if
120  if (time > end_time) exit
122  call af_advance(tree, dt, dt_lim, time, [i_phi], integrator, forward_euler)
123  dt = cfl_number * dt_lim
125  if (time > time_prev_refine + dt_amr) then
126  call af_restrict_tree(tree, [i_phi])
127  call af_gc_tree(tree, [i_phi])
128  call af_adjust_refinement(tree, refine_routine, refine_info, 1)
129  time_prev_refine = time
130  end if
131  end do
133 contains
135  !> [refine_routine]
136  !> Set refinement flags for box
137  subroutine refine_routine(box, cell_flags)
138  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box
139  integer, intent(out) :: cell_flags(DTIMES(box%n_cell))
140  real(dp) :: diff
141  integer :: IJK, nc
143  nc = box%n_cell
145  do kji_do(1,nc)
146 #if NDIM == 1
147  diff = abs(box%dr(1) * (box%cc(i+1, i_phi) + &
148  box%cc(i-1, i_phi) - 2 * box%cc(i, i_phi)))
149 #elif NDIM == 2
150  diff = abs(box%dr(1) * (box%cc(i+1, j, i_phi) + &
151  box%cc(i-1, j, i_phi) - 2 * box%cc(i, j, i_phi)) + &
152  box%dr(2) * (box%cc(i, j+1, i_phi) + &
153  box%cc(i, j-1, i_phi) - 2 * box%cc(i, j, i_phi)))
154 #elif NDIM == 3
155  diff = abs(box%dr(1) * (box%cc(i+1, j, k, i_phi) + &
156  box%cc(i-1, j, k, i_phi) - 2 * box%cc(i, j, k, i_phi)) + &
157  box%dr(2) * (box%cc(i, j+1, k, i_phi) + &
158  box%cc(i, j-1, k, i_phi) - 2 * box%cc(i, j, k, i_phi)) + &
159  box%dr(3) * (box%cc(i, j, k+1, i_phi) + &
160  box%cc(i, j, k-1, i_phi) - 2 * box%cc(i, j, k, i_phi)))
161 #endif
163  if (box%lvl < 2 .or. diff > 2.0e-3_dp .and. box%lvl < 5) then
164  cell_flags(ijk) = af_do_ref
165  else if (diff < 0.1_dp * 2.0e-3_dp) then
166  cell_flags(ijk) = af_rm_ref
167  else
168  cell_flags(ijk) = af_keep_ref
169  end if
170  end do; close_do
171  end subroutine refine_routine
172  !> [refine_routine]
174  !> This routine sets the initial conditions for each box
175  subroutine set_initial_condition(box)
176  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: box
177  integer :: IJK, nc
178  real(dp) :: rr(NDIM)
180  nc = box%n_cell
181  do kji_do(0,nc+1)
182  rr = af_r_cc(box, [ijk])
183  box%cc(ijk, i_phi) = solution(rr, 0.0_dp)
184  end do; close_do
185  end subroutine set_initial_condition
187  !> This routine computes the error in i_phi
188  subroutine set_error(box, time)
189  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: box
190  real(dp), intent(in) :: time(:)
191  integer :: IJK, nc
192  real(dp) :: rr(NDIM)
194  nc = box%n_cell
195  do kji_do(1,nc)
196  rr = af_r_cc(box, [ijk])
197  box%cc(ijk, i_err) = &
198  box%cc(ijk, i_phi) - solution(rr, time(1))
199  end do; close_do
200  end subroutine set_error
202  !> This routine calculates the analytic solution in point rr
203  function solution(rr, t) result(sol)
204  real(dp), intent(in) :: rr(NDIM), t
205  real(dp) :: sol, rr_t(NDIM)
207  rr_t = rr - velocity * t
209  select case (sol_type)
210  case (1)
211 #if NDIM > 1
212  sol = sin(0.5_dp * rr_t(1))**8 * cos(0.5_dp * rr_t(2))**8
213 #else
214  sol = sin(0.5_dp * rr_t(1))**8
215 #endif
216  case (2)
217  rr_t = modulo(rr_t, domain_len) / domain_len
218  if (norm2(rr_t - 0.5_dp) < 0.1_dp) then
219  sol = 1.0_dp
220  else
221  sol = 0.0_dp
222  end if
223  end select
224  end function solution
226  subroutine forward_euler(tree, dt, dt_stiff, dt_lim, time, s_deriv, n_prev, &
227  s_prev, w_prev, s_out, i_step, n_steps)
228  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
229  real(dp), intent(in) :: dt
230  real(dp), intent(in) :: dt_stiff !< Time step for stiff terms
231  real(dp), intent(in) :: time
232  real(dp), intent(inout) :: dt_lim
233  integer, intent(in) :: s_deriv
234  integer, intent(in) :: n_prev !< Number of previous states
235  integer, intent(in) :: s_prev(n_prev) !< Previous states
236  real(dp), intent(in) :: w_prev(n_prev) !< Weights of previous states
237  integer, intent(in) :: s_out
238  integer, intent(in) :: i_step, n_steps
239  integer :: lvl, i, id
240  real(dp) :: all_dt(1)
242  select case (flux_method)
243  case ("generic")
244  call flux_generic_tree(tree, 1, [i_phi], s_deriv, [i_flux], dt_lim, &
245  max_wavespeed, get_flux, flux_dummy_modify, flux_dummy_line_modify, &
246  flux_dummy_conversion, flux_dummy_conversion, af_limiter_koren_t)
247  case ("upwind")
248  call flux_upwind_tree(tree, 1, [i_phi], s_deriv, [i_flux], &
249  1, all_dt, flux_upwind, flux_direction, &
250  flux_dummy_line_modify, af_limiter_koren_t)
251  dt_lim = all_dt(1)
252  case ("custom")
253  ! Ensure ghost cells near refinement boundaries can be properly filled
254  call af_restrict_ref_boundary(tree, [i_phi+s_deriv])
256  ! Compute fluxes
257  !$omp parallel private(lvl, i, id)
258  do lvl = 1, tree%highest_lvl
259  !$omp do
260  do i = 1, size(tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves)
261  id = tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves(i)
262  call fluxes_koren(tree, id, s_deriv)
263  end do
264  !$omp end do
265  end do
266  !$omp end parallel
268  ! Restrict fluxes from children to parents on refinement boundaries.
269  call af_consistent_fluxes(tree, [i_flux])
271  dt_lim = 1/(sum(abs(velocity/af_min_dr(tree))) + epsilon(1.0_dp))
272  case default
273  error stop "Unknown flux_method, choices: generic, upwind, custom"
274  end select
276  call flux_update_densities(tree, dt, 1, [i_phi], 1, [i_phi], [i_flux], &
277  s_deriv, n_prev, s_prev, w_prev, s_out, flux_dummy_source, 0, all_dt)
279  end subroutine forward_euler
281  !> This routine computes the x-fluxes and y-fluxes interior (advective part)
282  !> with the Koren limiter
283  subroutine fluxes_koren(tree, id, s_deriv)
285  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
286  integer, intent(in) :: id
287  integer, intent(in) :: s_deriv
288  integer :: nc, idim
289  real(dp), allocatable :: cc(DTIMES(:), :)
290  real(dp), allocatable :: v(DTIMES(:), :)
292  nc = tree%boxes(id)%n_cell
293  allocate(cc(dtimes(-1:nc+2), 1))
294  allocate(v(dtimes(1:nc+1), ndim))
296  call af_gc2_box(tree, id, [i_phi+s_deriv], cc)
298  do idim = 1, ndim
299  v(dtimes(:), idim) = velocity(idim)
300  end do
302 #if NDIM == 1
303  call flux_koren_1d(cc(dtimes(:), 1), v, nc, 2)
304 #elif NDIM == 2
305  call flux_koren_2d(cc(dtimes(:), 1), v, nc, 2)
306 #elif NDIM == 3
307  call flux_koren_3d(cc(dtimes(:), 1), v, nc, 2)
308 #endif
310  tree%boxes(id)%fc(dtimes(:), :, i_flux) = v
312  end subroutine fluxes_koren
314  subroutine max_wavespeed(n_values, n_var, flux_dim, u, w)
315  integer, intent(in) :: n_values !< Number of cell faces
316  integer, intent(in) :: n_var !< Number of variables
317  integer, intent(in) :: flux_dim !< In which dimension fluxes are computed
318  real(dp), intent(in) :: u(n_values, n_var) !< Primitive variables
319  real(dp), intent(out) :: w(n_values) !< Maximum speed
321  w = abs(velocity(flux_dim))
322  end subroutine max_wavespeed
324  subroutine get_flux(n_values, n_var, flux_dim, u, flux, box, line_ix, s_deriv)
325  integer, intent(in) :: n_values !< Number of cell faces
326  integer, intent(in) :: n_var !< Number of variables
327  integer, intent(in) :: flux_dim !< In which dimension fluxes are computed
328  real(dp), intent(in) :: u(n_values, n_var)
329  real(dp), intent(out) :: flux(n_values, n_var)
330  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box
331  integer, intent(in) :: line_ix(NDIM-1)
332  integer, intent(in) :: s_deriv
334  flux = u * velocity(flux_dim)
335  end subroutine get_flux
337  subroutine flux_upwind(nf, n_var, flux_dim, u, flux, cfl_sum, &
338  n_other_dt, other_dt, box, line_ix, s_deriv)
339  integer, intent(in) :: nf !< Number of cell faces
340  integer, intent(in) :: n_var !< Number of variables
341  integer, intent(in) :: flux_dim !< In which dimension fluxes are computed
342  real(dp), intent(in) :: u(nf, n_var) !< Face values
343  real(dp), intent(out) :: flux(nf, n_var) !< Computed fluxes
344  !> Terms per cell-center to be added to CFL sum, see flux_upwind_box
345  real(dp), intent(out) :: cfl_sum(nf-1)
346  integer, intent(in) :: n_other_dt !< Number of non-cfl time step restrictions
347  real(dp), intent(inout) :: other_dt(n_other_dt) !< Non-cfl time step restrictions
348  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box !< Current box
349  integer, intent(in) :: line_ix(NDIM-1) !< Index of line for dim /= flux_dim
350  integer, intent(in) :: s_deriv !< State to compute derivatives from
351  real(dp) :: tmp
353  flux = u * velocity(flux_dim)
355  tmp = abs(velocity(flux_dim)) / box%dr(flux_dim)
356  cfl_sum = tmp
357  end subroutine flux_upwind
359  subroutine flux_direction(box, line_ix, s_deriv, n_var, flux_dim, direction_positive)
360  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box !< Current box
361  integer, intent(in) :: line_ix(NDIM-1) !< Index of line for dim /= flux_dim
362  integer, intent(in) :: s_deriv !< State to compute derivatives from
363  integer, intent(in) :: n_var !< Number of variables
364  integer, intent(in) :: flux_dim !< In which dimension fluxes are computed
365  !> True means positive flow (to the "right"), false to the left
366  logical, intent(out) :: direction_positive(box%n_cell+1, n_var)
368  direction_positive(:, 1) = (velocity(flux_dim) > 0)
369  end subroutine flux_direction
371 end program
Module which contains all Afivo modules, so that a user does not have to include them separately.
Definition: m_af_all.f90:3
Module containing a couple flux schemes for solving hyperbolic problems explicitly,...