Afivo  0.3

Example showing how create different types of computational domains

1 #include "../src/cpp_macros.h"
2 !> \example computational_domain.f90
3 !> Example showing how create different types of computational domains
4 program computational_domain
5  use m_af_all
7  implicit none
9  integer :: n_cell = 4 ! Boxes contain n_cell^dim cells
10  type(af_t) :: tree ! Will contain the quad/octree grid
11  integer :: grid_size(NDIM)
12  real(dp) :: domain_size(NDIM)
13  logical :: periodic(NDIM)
15  ! Create mesh 1: two boxes along x-direction
16  grid_size(:) = n_cell
17  grid_size(1) = 2 * n_cell
18  domain_size = 1.0_dp * grid_size
20  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "phi")
21  call af_init(tree, n_cell, domain_size, grid_size, mem_limit_gb=0.1_dp)
22  call af_write_silo(tree, "output/computational_domain_" // dimname // "_1")
23  call af_destroy(tree)
25  ! Create mesh 2: two boxes along y-direction
26  grid_size(:) = n_cell
27 #if NDIM > 1
28  grid_size(2) = 2 * n_cell
29 #endif
30  domain_size = 1.0_dp * grid_size
32  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "phi")
33  call af_init(tree, n_cell, domain_size, grid_size, mem_limit_gb=0.1_dp)
34  call af_write_silo(tree, "output/computational_domain_" // dimname // "_2")
35  call af_destroy(tree)
37  ! Create mesh 3: Two boxes along x-direction that are fully periodic
38  grid_size(:) = n_cell
39  grid_size(1) = 2 * n_cell
40  periodic(:) = .true.
41  domain_size = 1.0_dp * grid_size
43  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "phi")
44  call af_init(tree, n_cell, domain_size, grid_size, mem_limit_gb=0.1_dp)
45  call af_write_silo(tree, "output/computational_domain_" // dimname // "_3")
46  call af_destroy(tree)
48 end program computational_domain
Module which contains all Afivo modules, so that a user does not have to include them separately.
Definition: m_af_all.f90:3