1#include "../src/cpp_macros.h"
5program ghostcell_benchmark
13 type(ref_info_t) :: ref_info
15 integer :: n_cell, it, n_iterations, max_ref_lvl
17 character(len=100) :: arg_string
18 integer :: count_rate, t_start, t_end
20 print *,
"Running ghostcell_benchmark_" // dimname //
21 print *,
"Number of threads", af_get_max_threads()
24 n_args = command_argument_count()
27 call get_command_argument(1, arg_string)
28 read(arg_string, *) n_cell
30 print *,
"No arguments specified, using default values"
31 print *,
"Usage: ./ghostcell_benchmark_" // dimname //
" n_cell max_ref_lvl n_iterations"
37 call get_command_argument(2, arg_string)
38 read(arg_string, *) max_ref_lvl
44 call get_command_argument(3, arg_string)
45 read(arg_string, *) n_iterations
50 print *,
"Box size: ", n_cell
51 print *,
"Max refinement lvl: ", max_ref_lvl
52 print *,
"Num iterations: ", n_iterations
54 call af_add_cc_variable(tree,
"phi", ix=i_phi)
55 call af_set_cc_methods(tree, i_phi, af_bc_dirichlet_zero)
63 call system_clock(t_start, count_rate)
66 call af_loop_box(tree, set_init_cond)
72 call af_adjust_refinement(tree, ref_routine, ref_info)
75 if (ref_info%n_add == 0)
77 call system_clock(t_end, count_rate)
79 write(*,
" Wall-clock time generating AMR grid: ", &
80 (t_end-t_start) / real(count_rate,dp),
" seconds"
82 call af_print_info(tree)
85 call system_clock(t_start, count_rate)
86 do it = 1, n_iterations
87 call af_gc_tree(tree, [i_phi], .false.)
89 call system_clock(t_end, count_rate)
91 time = (t_end-t_start) / real(count_rate, dp)
92 write(*,
"(A,I0,A,E10.3,A)") &
93 " Wall-clock time after ", n_iterations, &
94 " iterations: ", time,
" seconds"
95 write(*,
" Per iteration: ", time/n_iterations,
" seconds"
100 subroutine ref_routine(box, cell_flags)
101 type(box_t),
intent(in) :: box
102 integer,
intent(out) :: cell_flags(DTIMES(box%n_cell))
105 if (box%lvl < max_ref_lvl)
106 cell_flags = af_do_ref
108 cell_flags = af_keep_ref
110 end subroutine ref_routine
113 subroutine set_init_cond(box)
114 type(box_t),
intent(inout) :: box
118 box%cc(dtimes(1:nc), i_phi) = 1.0_dp
119 end subroutine set_init_cond
121end program ghostcell_benchmark
Module which contains all Afivo modules, so that a user does not have to include them separately.