Each box has storage for a single layer of ghost cells for its cell-centered variables, which can be filled with one the following routines (and their equivalents in 3D):
To understand in which order ghost cells are filled, have a look at the implementation of m_af_ghostcell::af_gc_box. Basically, the procedure is as follows:
When data cannot be copied from a neighbor at the same refinement level, we use linear extrapolation to fill ghost cells. Suppose that there is a corner like this:
c | d ----- a | b
where a lies inside the box, c and d are ghost cells on the sides, and d is a corner ghost cell. The recipe for d is then: \(d = (b+c) - a\).
This linear extrapolation has a nice property: if we later perform bilinear prolongation using the values a, b, c, and d, then we get the same result as when we linearly interpolated using only a, b, and c.