Afivo 0.3
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Modyfing variables


Afivo supports cell-centered and face-centered variables, which can be added with m_af_core::af_add_cc_variable() and m_af_core::af_add_fc_variable().

Changing variables on a single box

A single box contains an array cc with cell-centered variables and an array fc with face centered variables, see the definition in m_af_types::box_t. These variables can for example be modified as shown below:

subroutine change_values(box)
type(box2_t), intent(inout) :: box
integer :: i, j
! Loop over the cells
do j = 1, box%n_cell
do i = 1, box%n_cell
! Set cell-centered variable 1
box%cc(i, j, 1) = i + j + 1.0
! Set cell-centered variable 2
box%cc(i, j, 2) = i - j - 1.0
! Set face-centered variable 1 in the x-direction
box%fc(i, j, 1, 1) = 1.0
! Set face-centered variable 1 in the y-direction
box%fc(i, j, 2, 1) = 0.0
end do
end do
end subroutine change_values

Calling a routine on all boxes of the tree

If a user has written a routine as shown above, then this routine can be passed to m_af_utils::af_loop_box:

call af_loop_box(tree, change_values)

The routine will then be called on all the boxes of the tree. See m_af_utils for alternatives to af_loop_box.

Manually looping over all the boxes in a tree

A user can also manually loop over all the boxes in a tree to perform some operations. A user can for example loop over all the leaves (boxes without children) like this:

do lvl = 1, tree%highest_lvl
do i = 1, size(tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves)
id = tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves(i)
call change_values(tree%boxes(id))
end do
end do

For simplicity, OpenMP commands for parallelization have been omitted in this example.