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afivo-streamer 1.1
1D/2D/3D streamer simulations with AMR
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Customizing the code through m_user.f90


To provide more flexibility and to reduce the number of configuration parameters, certain methods can be customized by users. For example to use custom grid refinement or to write custom output.

List of methods that can be modified

!> User-defined refinement routine
procedure(af_subr_ref), pointer :: user_refine => null()
!> If defined, call this routine after setting initial conditions
procedure(af_subr), pointer :: user_initial_conditions => null()
!> If defined, call this routine after a new voltage pulse starts
procedure(af_subr), pointer :: user_new_pulse_conditions => null()
!> To set custom boundary conditions for the electric potential
procedure(af_subr_bc), pointer :: user_potential_bc => null()
!> To set a user-defined gas number density
procedure(gas_dens_func), pointer :: user_gas_density => null()
!> To set the field amplitude manually
procedure(field_func), pointer :: user_field_amplitude => null()
!> Generic procedure that is called every time step
procedure(generic_subr), pointer :: user_generic_method => null()
!> To write a custom log file
procedure(log_subr), pointer :: user_write_log => null()
!> To add entries to the log file
procedure(log_vars), pointer :: user_log_variables => null()
!> Custom level-set function to define an electrode
procedure(mg_func_lsf), pointer :: user_lsf => null()
!> Function to get boundary value for level set function
procedure(mg_func_lsf), pointer :: user_lsf_bc => null()

How to set a custom method

In the m_user.f90 file, first add your custom routine. For example, it could be a method for initial conditions called my_init_cond. This method can then be activated in the user_initialize subroutine:

subroutine user_initialize(cfg, tree) type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree user_initial_conditions => my_init_cond end subroutine user_initialize

Interfaces of the methods

For some of the interfaces, check out the Afivo documentation. The other interfaces are listed below.

subroutine log_subr(tree, filename, out_cnt)
type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, intent(in) :: out_cnt
end subroutine log_subr
subroutine log_vars(tree, n_vars, var_names, var_values)
type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
integer, intent(out) :: n_vars
character(len=name_len), intent(inout) :: var_names(user_max_log_vars)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: var_values(user_max_log_vars)
end subroutine log_vars
function gas_dens_func(box, IJK) result(dens)
type(box_t), intent(in) :: box
integer, intent(in) :: IJK
real(dp) :: dens
end function gas_dens_func
function field_func(tree, time) result(amplitude)
type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
real(dp), intent(in) :: time
real(dp) :: amplitude
end function field_func
logical function bool_subr(tree, time)
type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
real(dp), intent(in) :: time
end function bool_subr
subroutine generic_subr(tree, time)
type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
real(dp), intent(in) :: time
end subroutine generic_subr