afivo-streamer 1.1
1D/2D/3D streamer simulations with AMR
Mm_analysis | Module with routines to help analyze simulations |
Mm_chemistry | Module for handling chemical reactions |
Mm_coupling | Module for the coupling between the gas dynamics and the fluid model |
Mm_dielectric | Module with settings and routines to handle dielectrics |
Mm_dt | Module to set the time step |
Mm_field | Module to compute electric fields |
Mm_fluid | Fluid model module |
Mm_gas | Module that stores parameters related to the gas |
Mm_geometry | Module that provides routines for geometric operations and calculations. Methods and types have a prefix GM_, short for 'geometry' |
Mm_init_cond | Module to help setting up initial conditions |
Mm_model | Module to set the type of model |
Mm_output | Module with methods and parameters related to writing output |
Mm_photoi | Top-module for photoionization, which can make use of different methods |
Mm_photoi_helmh | Module for photoionization with the Helmholtz approximation |
►Mm_photoi_mc | Module that provides routines for Monte Carlo photoionization |
Mm_refine | Module with grid refinement settings and routines |
►Mm_spline_interp | Module for cubic spline interpolation |
Mm_streamer | This module contains several pre-defined variables like: |
Mm_table_data | Module with settings and routines for tabulated data |
Mm_transport_data | Module that provides routines for reading in arbritrary transport data |
Mm_types | Module with basic types |
Mm_units_constants | Module that contains physical and numerical constants |
Mm_user | Template for user code, this one simply uses the default routines |
►Mm_user_methods | This module contains all the methods that users can customize |