afivo-streamer 1.1
1D/2D/3D streamer simulations with AMR
No Matches
Initial conditions

Using a standard seed

Initial seeds in the form of line segments are supported. These seeds can be defined with the following parameters, where N refers to the number of seeds the user wants to define:

name value description
seed_density N * real Maximum density for the seed (in 1/m3)
seed_rel_r0 N * NDIM reals relative start position (between 0 and 1)
seed_rel_r1 N * NDIM reals relative end position (between 0 and 1)
seed_charge_type N * integer 0 for neutral, 1 for positive ions, -1 for electrons
seed_falloff N * string Fall-off type for seed (sigmoid, gaussian, smoothstep, step, laser)
seed_width N * real Seed decay width (m)

Other settings that control the initial conditions are:

name value description
background_density real The background ion and electron density (1/m3)

Defining custom initial conditions

To define custom initial conditions, specify the following in your m_user.f90 file:

user_initial_conditions => my_init_cond

where my_init_cond is a routine (see m_user_methods::user_initial_conditions) that can modify the initial state in any way you like.

Finding the index of a species

To set the value of a particular species, first find its index with

i_species = af_find_cc_variable(tree, "species_name")

then you can for example set species density to zero (in 2D) with

box%cc(:, :, i_species) = 0.0_dp