afivo-streamer  1.1
1D/2D/3D streamer simulations with AMR
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !> Module to set the time step
2 module m_dt
3  use m_af_all
4  use m_types
6  implicit none
7  private
9  ! Number of time step restrictions
10  integer, parameter, public :: dt_num_cond = 4
12  ! Array of time step restrictions per thread
13  real(dp), public :: dt_limits(dt_num_cond)
15  ! Index of CFL condition
16  integer, parameter, public :: dt_ix_cfl = 1
18  ! Index of dielectric relaxation time step condition
19  integer, parameter, public :: dt_ix_drt = 2
21  ! Index of reaction rate time step condition
22  integer, parameter, public :: dt_ix_rates = 3
24  ! Index of other time step restrictions
25  integer, parameter, public :: dt_ix_other = 4
27  ! Safety factor for the time step
28  real(dp), public, protected :: dt_safety_factor = 0.9_dp
30  !> CFL number to use
31  real(dp), public, protected :: dt_cfl_number = undefined_real
33  !> If > 0, a density to control the accuracy of the chemistry time step
34  real(dp), public, protected :: dt_chemistry_nmin = -1.0_dp
36  !> Limit dt to prevent negative densities due to loss reactions
37  logical, public, protected :: dt_chemistry_limit_loss = .true.
39  ! Maximum allowed time step
40  real(dp), public, protected :: dt_max = 1.0e-11_dp
42  ! Minimum allowed time step
43  real(dp), public, protected :: dt_min = 1.0e-14_dp
45  !> Maximal relative increase dt for the next iteration
46  real(dp), public, protected :: dt_max_growth_factor = 2.0_dp
48  !> Which time integrator is used
49  integer, public, protected :: time_integrator
51  public :: dt_initialize
53 contains
55  !> Initialize the time step module
56  subroutine dt_initialize(cfg)
57  use m_config
58  type(cfg_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
59  real(dp) :: default_cfl_number = 0.5_dp
60  character(len=name_len) :: integrator
62  !> [relevant_parameters]
63  call cfg_add_get(cfg, "dt_max", dt_max, &
64  "The maximum timestep (s)")
65  call cfg_add_get(cfg, "dt_min", dt_min, &
66  "The minimum timestep (s)")
67  call cfg_add_get(cfg, "dt_safety_factor", dt_safety_factor, &
68  "Safety factor for the time step")
69  call cfg_add_get(cfg, "dt_cfl_number", dt_cfl_number, &
70  "CFL number to use")
71  call cfg_add_get(cfg, "dt_chemistry_nmin", dt_chemistry_nmin, &
72  "If > 0, a density to control the accuracy of the chemistry time step")
73  call cfg_add_get(cfg, "dt_chemistry_limit_loss", dt_chemistry_limit_loss, &
74  "Limit dt to prevent negative densities due to loss reactions")
75  !> [relevant_parameters]
77  call cfg_add_get(cfg, "dt_max_growth_factor", dt_max_growth_factor, &
78  "Maximal relative increase dt for the next iteration")
80  integrator = "heuns_method"
81  call cfg_add_get(cfg, "time_integrator", integrator, &
82  "Time integrator (use arbitrary value to see options)")
84  do time_integrator = 1, af_num_integrators
85  if (integrator == af_integrator_names(time_integrator)) exit
86  end do
88  if (time_integrator == af_num_integrators+1) then
89  print *, "Use one of the following time integrators:"
90  do time_integrator = 1, af_num_integrators
91  print *, trim(af_integrator_names(time_integrator))
92  end do
93  error stop "Unknown time integrator"
94  end if
96  ! Set CFL number automatically if not set
97  if (dt_cfl_number <= undefined_real) dt_cfl_number = default_cfl_number
99  end subroutine dt_initialize
101 end module m_dt
Module to set the time step.
Definition: m_dt.f90:2
integer, public, protected time_integrator
Which time integrator is used.
Definition: m_dt.f90:49
real(dp), dimension(dt_num_cond), public dt_limits
Definition: m_dt.f90:13
integer, parameter, public dt_num_cond
Definition: m_dt.f90:10
real(dp), public, protected dt_max
Definition: m_dt.f90:40
real(dp), public, protected dt_safety_factor
Definition: m_dt.f90:28
integer, parameter, public dt_ix_cfl
Definition: m_dt.f90:16
subroutine, public dt_initialize(cfg)
Initialize the time step module.
Definition: m_dt.f90:57
real(dp), public, protected dt_chemistry_nmin
If > 0, a density to control the accuracy of the chemistry time step.
Definition: m_dt.f90:34
real(dp), public, protected dt_min
Definition: m_dt.f90:43
real(dp), public, protected dt_max_growth_factor
Maximal relative increase dt for the next iteration.
Definition: m_dt.f90:46
integer, parameter, public dt_ix_rates
Definition: m_dt.f90:22
logical, public, protected dt_chemistry_limit_loss
Limit dt to prevent negative densities due to loss reactions.
Definition: m_dt.f90:37
integer, parameter, public dt_ix_drt
Definition: m_dt.f90:19
real(dp), public, protected dt_cfl_number
CFL number to use.
Definition: m_dt.f90:31
integer, parameter, public dt_ix_other
Definition: m_dt.f90:25
Module with basic types.
Definition: m_types.f90:2
real(dp), parameter undefined_real
Undefined number.
Definition: m_types.f90:13