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module | m_field |
| Module to compute electric fields.
subroutine, public | m_field::field_initialize (tree, cfg, mg) |
| Initialize this module.
subroutine, public | m_field::field_set_rhs (tree, s_in) |
subroutine, public | m_field::field_compute (tree, mg, s_in, time, have_guess) |
| Compute electric field on the tree. First perform multigrid to get electric potential, then take numerical gradient to geld field.
subroutine, public | m_field::field_from_potential (tree, mg) |
| Compute field from potential.
subroutine, public | m_field::field_set_voltage (tree, time) |
| Set the current voltage.
subroutine, public | m_field::field_bc_homogeneous (box, nb, iv, coords, bc_val, bc_type) |
| Dirichlet boundary conditions for the potential in the last dimension, Neumann zero boundary conditions in the other directions.
subroutine, public | m_field::field_compute_energy (tree, field_energy) |
| Compute total field energy in Joule, defined as the volume integral over 1/2 * epsilon * E^2.
real(dp) function, dimension(dtimes(1:box%n_cell), ndim), public | m_field::field_get_e_vector (box) |