afivo-streamer 1.1
1D/2D/3D streamer simulations with AMR
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Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
m_output.f90 File Reference

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module  m_output
 Module with methods and parameters related to writing output.


subroutine, public m_output::output_initialize (tree, cfg)
subroutine, public m_output::output_initial_summary (tree)
 Write a summary of the model and parameters used.
subroutine, public m_output::output_write (tree, output_cnt, wc_time, write_sim_data)
subroutine, public m_output::output_log (tree, filename, out_cnt, wc_time)
subroutine, public m_output::output_status (tree, time, wc_time, it, dt)
 Print short status message.


character(len=string_len), public, protected m_output::output_name = "output/my_sim"
real(dp), public, protected m_output::output_dt = 1.0e-10_dp
logical, public, protected m_output::lineout_write = .false.
logical, public, protected m_output::silo_write = .true.
integer, public, protected m_output::silo_per_outputs = 1
logical, public, protected m_output::datfile_write = .false.
integer, public, protected m_output::datfile_per_outputs = 1
integer, public, protected m_output::lineout_npoints = 500
real(dp), dimension(3), public, protected m_output::lineout_rmin = 0.0_dp
real(dp), dimension(3), public, protected m_output::lineout_rmax = 1.0_dp
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected m_output::lineout_ivar
logical, public, protected m_output::cross_write = .false.
real(dp), public, protected m_output::cross_rmax = 2.0e-3_dp
integer, public, protected m_output::cross_npoints = 500
logical, public, protected m_output::plane_write = .false.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected m_output::plane_ivar
integer, dimension(2), public, protected m_output::plane_npixels = [64, 64]
real(dp), dimension(ndim), public, protected m_output::plane_rmin = 0.0_dp
real(dp), dimension(ndim), public, protected m_output::plane_rmax = 1.0_dp
logical, public, protected m_output::field_maxima_write = .false.
real(dp), public, protected m_output::field_maxima_threshold = 0.0_dp
real(dp), public, protected m_output::field_maxima_distance = 0.0_dp
real(dp), public, protected m_output::output_status_delay = 60.0_dp
integer, public, protected m_output::output_dt_factor_pulse_off = 1