integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_phi = -1 |
| Index of electrical potential.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_electron = -1 |
| Index of electron density.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::ix_electron = -1 |
| Index of electron density (in species list)
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_electron_energy = -1 |
| Index of electron energy density.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_1pos_ion = -1 |
| Index of first positive ion species.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::ix_1pos_ion = -1 |
| Index of first positive ion (in species list)
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_electric_fld = -1 |
| Index of electric field norm.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_rhs = -1 |
| Index of source term Poisson.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_tmp = -1 |
| Index of temporary variable.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_eps = -1 |
| Index can be set to include a dielectric.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_lsf = -1 |
| Index can be set to include an electrode.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected | m_streamer::all_densities |
| Index of all densities that evolve in time.
logical, public, protected | m_streamer::compute_power_density = .false. |
| Include deposited power density in output.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_power_density = -1 |
| Index of deposited power density.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::i_srcfac = -1 |
| Index of correction factor for source terms.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_elec = -1 |
| Index of electron flux.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_energy = -1 |
| Index of electron energy flux.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::electric_fld = -1 |
| Index of electric field vector.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_num_species = -1 |
| Number of flux variables.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_num_electron_vars = -1 |
| Number of electron flux variables.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_variables |
| List of all flux variables (face-centered index)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_species |
| List of all flux species (cell-centered index)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_species_charge |
| List of the charges of the flux species.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_species_charge_sign |
| List of the signs of the charges of the flux species (+- 1)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected | m_streamer::flux_pos_ion |
| List of positive ion fluxes (useful for secondary emission)
logical, public, protected | m_streamer::st_cylindrical = .false. |
| Whether cylindrical coordinates are used.
logical, public, protected | m_streamer::st_use_dielectric = .false. |
| Whether a dielectric is used.
logical, public, protected | m_streamer::st_use_electrode = .false. |
| Whether to include an electrode.
procedure(af_subr_bc), pointer, public, protected | m_streamer::bc_species => null() |
| Boundary condition for the plasma species.
type(mg_t), public | m_streamer::mg |
| Multigrid option structure.
type(rng_t), public | m_streamer::st_rng |
| Random number generator.
type(prng_t), public | m_streamer::st_prng |
| Parallel random number generator.
logical, public, protected | m_streamer::st_drt_limit_flux = .false. |
| Avoid dielectric relaxation time step constraint by limiting flux.
real(dp), public, protected | m_streamer::st_drt_max_field = 1.0e100_dp |
| Ensure that flux limiting does not lead to fields higher than this.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::st_source_factor |
| Use source factor to prevent unphysical effects due to diffusion.
integer, parameter, public | m_streamer::source_factor_none = 0 |
integer, parameter, public | m_streamer::source_factor_flux = 1 |
integer, parameter, public | m_streamer::source_factor_original_flux = 2 |
real(dp), public, protected | m_streamer::st_source_min_electrons_per_cell = -1e100_dp |
| Minimum number of electrons per cell to include source terms.
real(dp), public, protected | m_streamer::st_end_time = 10e-9_dp |
| End time of the simulation.
logical, public, protected | m_streamer::st_use_end_streamer_length = .false. |
| Whether streamer length is used as a simulation stopping.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::st_initial_streamer_pos_steps_wait = 5 |
| Wait n steps before initializing streamer begin position.
real(dp), public, protected | m_streamer::st_end_streamer_length = 15e-3 |
| Streamer length at which the simulation will stop.
logical, public, protected | m_streamer::st_abort_axisymmetric_if_branching = .false. |
| Abort axisymmetric simulations if there is branching.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::st_box_size = 8 |
| The size of the boxes that we use to construct our mesh.
integer, dimension(ndim), public, protected | m_streamer::st_coarse_grid_size = -1 |
| Size of the coarse grid.
real(dp), dimension(ndim), public, protected | m_streamer::st_domain_len = 16e-3_dp |
| Domain length per dimension.
real(dp), dimension(ndim), public, protected | m_streamer::st_domain_origin = 0.0_dp |
| Origin of domain.
logical, dimension(ndim), public, protected | m_streamer::st_periodic = .false. |
| Whether the domain is periodic (per dimension)
logical, public, protected | m_streamer::st_plasma_region_enabled = .false. |
| Whether to limit plasma reactions to a certain region.
real(dp), dimension(ndim), public, protected | m_streamer::st_plasma_region_rmin = -1e100_dp |
| Limit plasma reactions to coordinates between rmin and rmax.
real(dp), dimension(ndim), public, protected | m_streamer::st_plasma_region_rmax = 1e100_dp |
| Limit plasma reactions to coordinates between rmin and rmax.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::st_multigrid_num_vcycles = 2 |
| Number of V-cycles to perform per time step.
real(dp), public, protected | m_streamer::st_multigrid_max_rel_residual = 1e-4_dp |
real(dp), public | m_streamer::global_time = 0.0_dp |
| Global time.
real(dp), public | m_streamer::global_dt = 0.0_dp |
| Global time step.
real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, public | m_streamer::st_current_rates |
| Current sum of reaction rates per thread.
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public | m_streamer::st_global_rates |
| Global sum of reaction rates.
real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, public | m_streamer::st_current_jdote |
| Current sum of J.E per thread.
integer, public, protected | m_streamer::current_update_per_steps = 1000*1000 |
| Per how many iterations the electric current is computed.
real(dp), public | m_streamer::st_global_jdote_current |
| Electric current through electrodes due to J.E.
real(dp), public | m_streamer::st_global_displ_current |
| Electric current through electrodes due to displacement current.
real(dp), public | m_streamer::st_global_jdote |
| Global sum of J.E.
real(dp), public | m_streamer::wc_time_flux = 0.0_dp |
real(dp), public | m_streamer::wc_time_source = 0.0_dp |
real(dp), public | m_streamer::wc_time_copy_state = 0.0_dp |
real(dp), public | m_streamer::wc_time_field = 0.0_dp |
real(dp), public | m_streamer::wc_time_output = 0.0_dp |
real(dp), public | m_streamer::wc_time_refine = 0.0_dp |
real(dp), public | m_streamer::wc_time_photoi = 0.0_dp |
procedure(af_subr_prolong), pointer, public, protected | m_streamer::st_prolongation_method => null() |
| Method used to prolong (interpolate) densities.