afivo-streamer 1.1
1D/2D/3D streamer simulations with AMR
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Functions/Subroutines | Variables
m_dielectric Module Reference

Module with settings and routines to handle dielectrics. More...


subroutine, public dielectric_initialize (tree, cfg)
subroutine, public dielectric_update_surface_charge (box, surface, dt, n_prev, s_prev, w_prev, s_out)
 Update charge on dielectric surface based on particle fluxes. In case of secondary emission, also update the electron density next to the surface.
subroutine, public dielectric_photon_emission (box, surface, dt, s_out)
subroutine, public dielectric_photon_absorption (tree, xyz_start, xyz_end, n_dim, n_photons, photon_weight)
 Determine whether and where photons hit a dielectric, and change their absorption location to the first cell inside the surface. If photons_no_absorption is true, assume that photons are not absorbed by the gas (so extrapolate their path).
subroutine, public dielectric_reset_photons ()


integer, parameter, public i_photon_flux = 1
integer, parameter, public i_surf_dens = 2
type(surfaces_t), public diel
 To store dielectric surface.
logical, public, protected surface_output = .false.

Detailed Description

Module with settings and routines to handle dielectrics.


Make sure species densities are initially zero inside the dielectric

Use special prolongation for multigrid when there are surface charges

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ dielectric_initialize()

subroutine, public m_dielectric::dielectric_initialize ( type(af_t), intent(in) tree,
type(cfg_t), intent(inout) cfg )

Definition at line 56 of file m_dielectric.f90.

◆ dielectric_photon_absorption()

subroutine, public m_dielectric::dielectric_photon_absorption ( type(af_t), intent(in) tree,
real(dp), dimension(3, n_photons), intent(in) xyz_start,
real(dp), dimension(3, n_photons), intent(inout) xyz_end,
integer, intent(in) n_dim,
integer, intent(in) n_photons,
real(dp), intent(in) photon_weight )

Determine whether and where photons hit a dielectric, and change their absorption location to the first cell inside the surface. If photons_no_absorption is true, assume that photons are not absorbed by the gas (so extrapolate their path).

Definition at line 243 of file m_dielectric.f90.

◆ dielectric_photon_emission()

subroutine, public m_dielectric::dielectric_photon_emission ( type(box_t), intent(inout) box,
type(surface_t), intent(inout) surface,
real(dp), intent(in) dt,
integer, intent(in) s_out )
[in]dtTime step
[in]s_outOutput state

Definition at line 184 of file m_dielectric.f90.

◆ dielectric_reset_photons()

subroutine, public m_dielectric::dielectric_reset_photons

Definition at line 358 of file m_dielectric.f90.

◆ dielectric_update_surface_charge()

subroutine, public m_dielectric::dielectric_update_surface_charge ( type(box_t), intent(inout) box,
type(surface_t), intent(inout) surface,
real(dp), intent(in) dt,
integer, intent(in) n_prev,
integer, dimension(n_prev), intent(in) s_prev,
real(dp), dimension(n_prev), intent(in) w_prev,
integer, intent(in) s_out )

Update charge on dielectric surface based on particle fluxes. In case of secondary emission, also update the electron density next to the surface.

[in]dtTime step
[in]n_prevNumber of previous states
[in]s_prevPrevious states
[in]w_prevWeights of previous states
[in]s_outOutput state

Definition at line 94 of file m_dielectric.f90.

Variable Documentation

◆ diel

type(surfaces_t), public m_dielectric::diel

To store dielectric surface.

Definition at line 19 of file m_dielectric.f90.

◆ i_photon_flux

integer, parameter, public m_dielectric::i_photon_flux = 1

Definition at line 15 of file m_dielectric.f90.

◆ i_surf_dens

integer, parameter, public m_dielectric::i_surf_dens = 2

Definition at line 16 of file m_dielectric.f90.

◆ surface_output

logical, public, protected m_dielectric::surface_output = .false.

Definition at line 22 of file m_dielectric.f90.