Afivo  0.3
1 #include "cpp_macros.h"
6  use m_af_types
8  implicit none
9  private
12  type surface_t
13  logical :: in_use
14  integer :: id_in
15  integer :: id_out
17  integer :: direction
18  integer :: ix_parent
19  real(dp) :: eps
20  integer :: offset_parent(ndim-1)
21  real(dp) :: dr(ndim-1)
23  real(dp), allocatable :: sd(dtimes(:))
24  end type surface_t
27  integer, public, parameter :: surface_none = -1
32  logical :: initialized = .false.
34  integer :: n_variables = 0
36  integer :: n_cell = -1
38  integer :: i_eps = -1
40  integer :: i_phi = -1
42  integer :: max_ix = 0
44  integer :: surface_limit = -1
46  logical :: cylindrical = .false.
49  type(surface_t), allocatable :: surfaces(:)
51  integer :: n_removed = 0
53  integer, allocatable :: removed_surfaces(:)
55  integer, allocatable :: box_id_out_to_surface_ix(:)
57  integer, allocatable :: box_id_in_to_surface_ix(:)
58  end type surfaces_t
60  interface
61  function value_func(x) result(my_val)
62  import
63  real(dp), intent(in) :: x(ndim)
64  real(dp) :: my_val
65  end function value_func
66  end interface
68  public :: surface_t
69  public :: surfaces_t
70  public :: surface_initialize
71  public :: surface_set_values
72  public :: surface_set_weighted_sum
73  public :: surface_copy_variable
74  public :: surface_get_integral
75  public :: surface_update_after_refinement
76  public :: surface_inside_layer_to_surface
77  public :: surface_surface_charge_to_rhs
78  public :: surface_correct_field_fc
79  public :: surface_get_refinement_links
80  public :: surface_get_surface_cell
81  public :: surface_write_output
82 #if NDIM == 2
83  public :: surface_correct_field_cc
84 #endif
86 contains
89  subroutine surface_initialize(tree, i_eps, diel, n_variables)
90  use m_af_ghostcell, only: af_gc_tree
91  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
92  integer, intent(in) :: i_eps
93  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
94  integer, intent(in) :: n_variables
95  integer :: nc, id, i, j, ix
96  integer :: nb, nb_id
97  real(dp) :: curr_eps, nb_eps
99  if (.not. tree%ready) error stop "Tree not ready"
101  if (tree%highest_lvl > 1) then
102  ! Check that there are no partially refined grid levels
103  if (size(tree%lvls(tree%highest_lvl-1)%leaves) > 0) &
104  error stop "Tree not uniformly refined"
105  end if
107  diel%initialized = .true.
108  diel%cylindrical = (tree%coord_t == af_cyl)
109  diel%i_eps = i_eps
110  nc = tree%n_cell
111  diel%max_ix = 0
112  diel%n_removed = 0
113  diel%n_variables = n_variables
114  diel%n_cell = tree%n_cell
115  ! Assume that at most 1/10th of boxes has a surface
116  diel%surface_limit = tree%box_limit / 10
118  allocate(diel%surfaces(diel%surface_limit))
119  allocate(diel%removed_surfaces(diel%surface_limit))
120  allocate(diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix(tree%box_limit))
121  allocate(diel%box_id_in_to_surface_ix(tree%box_limit))
122  diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix = surface_none
123  diel%box_id_in_to_surface_ix = surface_none
125  ! Construct a list of surfaces
126  do i = 1, size(tree%lvls(tree%highest_lvl)%ids)
127  id = tree%lvls(tree%highest_lvl)%ids(i)
129  ! Check whether epsilon is set consistently on this box
130  if (maxval(tree%boxes(id)%cc(dtimes(1:nc), i_eps)) > &
131  minval(tree%boxes(id)%cc(dtimes(1:nc), i_eps))) &
132  error stop "epsilon not uniform on a box"
134  ! Get eps on the interior of the current box
135  curr_eps = tree%boxes(id)%cc(dtimes(1), i_eps)
137  do nb = 1, af_num_neighbors
138  nb_id = tree%boxes(id)%neighbors(nb)
140  ! Skip physical boundaries
141  if (nb_id <= af_no_box) cycle
143  ! Get eps on the interior of the neighbour box
144  nb_eps = tree%boxes(nb_id)%cc(dtimes(1), i_eps)
146  if (nb_eps > curr_eps) then
147  ! There is a surface
148  ix = get_new_surface_ix(diel)
150  diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use = .true.
151  diel%surfaces(ix)%ix_parent = surface_none
152  diel%surfaces(ix)%offset_parent(:) = 0
153  diel%surfaces(ix)%id_in = nb_id
154  diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out = id
155  diel%surfaces(ix)%direction = nb
156  diel%surfaces(ix)%eps = nb_eps
158  ! Extract the grid spacing parallel to the surface
159  diel%surfaces(ix)%dr = &
160  pack(tree%boxes(id)%dr, [(j, j=1,ndim)] /= af_neighb_dim(nb))
162  if (diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix(id) /= surface_none) &
163  error stop "box with multiple adjacent surfaces"
164  if (diel%box_id_in_to_surface_ix(nb_id) /= surface_none) &
165  error stop "box with multiple adjacent surfaces"
166  diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix(id) = ix
167  diel%box_id_in_to_surface_ix(nb_id) = ix
168  end if
169  end do
170  end do
172  end subroutine surface_initialize
175  function get_new_surface_ix(diel) result(ix)
176  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
177  logical :: use_removed
178  integer :: ix, nc
180  !$omp critical
181  use_removed = (diel%n_removed > 0)
182  if (use_removed) then
183  ix = diel%removed_surfaces(diel%n_removed)
184  diel%n_removed = diel%n_removed - 1
185  else
186  diel%max_ix = diel%max_ix + 1
187  ix = diel%max_ix
188  end if
189  !$omp end critical
191  if (.not. use_removed) then
192  nc = diel%n_cell
193 #if NDIM == 1
194  allocate(diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(diel%n_variables))
195 #elif NDIM == 2
196  allocate(diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(nc, diel%n_variables))
197 #elif NDIM == 3
198  allocate(diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(nc, nc, diel%n_variables))
199 #endif
200  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd = 0.0_dp
201  end if
202  end function get_new_surface_ix
205  subroutine surface_set_values(tree, diel, iv, user_func)
206  type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
207  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
208  integer, intent(in) :: iv
209  procedure(value_func) :: user_func
210  integer :: ix, id_out
211 #if NDIM > 1
212  integer :: i
213 #endif
214 #if NDIM == 3
215  integer :: j, n
216 #endif
217  real(dp) :: coords(ndim, tree%n_cell**(ndim-1))
219  if (.not. diel%initialized) error stop "dielectric not initialized"
221  ! Loop over the surfaces and call the user function to set values
222  do ix = 1, diel%max_ix
223  if (diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use) then
224  id_out = diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out
225  call af_get_face_coords(tree%boxes(id_out), &
226  diel%surfaces(ix)%direction, coords)
227 #if NDIM == 1
228  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(iv) = user_func(coords(1, 1))
229 #elif NDIM == 2
230  do i = 1, tree%n_cell
231  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(i, iv) = user_func(coords(:, i))
232  end do
233 #elif NDIM == 3
234  n = 0
235  do j = 1, tree%n_cell
236  do i = 1, tree%n_cell
237  n = n + 1
238  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(i, j, iv) = user_func(coords(:, n))
239  end do
240  end do
241 #endif
242  end if
243  end do
244  end subroutine surface_set_values
247  subroutine surface_set_weighted_sum(diel, i_out, i_in, w_in)
248  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
249  integer, intent(in) :: i_out
250  integer, intent(in) :: i_in(:)
251  real(dp), intent(in) :: w_in(:)
252  integer :: ix
253 #if NDIM == 3
254  integer :: ii
255 #endif
257  do ix = 1, diel%max_ix
258  if (diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use) then
259 #if NDIM == 2
260  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, i_out) = &
261  matmul(diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, i_in), w_in)
262 #elif NDIM == 3
263  ! TODO improve by removing do-loop??
264  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, :, i_out) = 0.0_dp
265  do ii=1, size(i_in)
266  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, :, i_out) = diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, :, i_out) &
267  + w_in(ii) * diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, :, i_in(ii))
268  end do
269 #endif
270  end if
271  end do
272  end subroutine surface_set_weighted_sum
275  subroutine surface_copy_variable(diel, i_in, i_out)
276  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
277  integer, intent(in) :: i_in
278  integer, intent(in) :: i_out
279  integer :: ix
281  do ix = 1, diel%max_ix
282  if (diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use) then
283 #if NDIM == 2
284  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, i_out) = diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, i_in)
285 #elif NDIM == 3
286  diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, :, i_out) = diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, :, i_in)
287 #endif
288  end if
289  end do
290  end subroutine surface_copy_variable
293  subroutine surface_get_integral(tree, diel, i_surf, surf_int)
294  type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
295  type(surfaces_t), intent(in) :: diel
296  integer, intent(in) :: i_surf
297  real(dp), intent(out) :: surf_int
298  integer :: ix
299 #if NDIM == 2
300  real(dp), parameter :: two_pi = 2 * acos(-1.0_dp)
301  real(dp) :: coords(ndim, diel%n_cell**(ndim-1))
302 #endif
304  surf_int = 0
305  do ix = 1, diel%max_ix
306  if (diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use) then
307 #if NDIM == 2
308  if (diel%cylindrical) then
309  ! Multiply surface elements with 2 * pi * r
310  call af_get_face_coords(tree%boxes(diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out), &
311  diel%surfaces(ix)%direction, coords)
312  surf_int = surf_int + two_pi * diel%surfaces(ix)%dr(1) * &
313  sum(diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, i_surf) * coords(1, :))
314  else
315  surf_int = surf_int + product(diel%surfaces(ix)%dr) * &
316  sum(diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, i_surf))
317  end if
318 #elif NDIM == 3
319  surf_int = surf_int + product(diel%surfaces(ix)%dr) * &
320  sum(diel%surfaces(ix)%sd(:, :, i_surf))
321 #endif
322  end if
323  end do
324  end subroutine surface_get_integral
327  subroutine surface_update_after_refinement(tree, diel, ref_info)
328  type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
329  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
330  type(ref_info_t), intent(in) :: ref_info
331  integer :: lvl, i, id, p_id, ix, p_ix, nc
333  if (.not. diel%initialized) error stop "dielectric not initialized"
334  nc = tree%n_cell
336  ! Handle removed surfaces
337  do i = 1, size(ref_info%rm)
338  id = ref_info%rm(i)
339  ix = diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix(id)
340  if (ix > surface_none) then
341  call restrict_surface_to_parent(tree, diel, ix)
342  end if
343  end do
345  ! Add new surfaces
346  do lvl = 1, tree%highest_lvl
347  do i = 1, size(ref_info%lvls(lvl)%add)
348  id = ref_info%lvls(lvl)%add(i)
350  ! Check if parent has a surface
351  p_id = tree%boxes(id)%parent
352  p_ix = diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix(p_id)
354  if (p_ix > surface_none) then
355  ! We only need to prolong once per parent surface
356  if (af_ix_to_ichild(tree%boxes(id)%ix) == 1) then
357  call prolong_surface_from_parent(tree, diel, p_ix, p_id)
358  end if
359  end if
360  end do
361  end do
363  end subroutine surface_update_after_refinement
366  subroutine prolong_surface_from_parent(tree, diel, p_ix, p_id)
367  type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
368  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
369  integer, intent(in) :: p_ix
370  integer, intent(in) :: p_id
371  integer :: i, n, ix, ix_offset(NDIM)
372  integer :: nc, dix(NDIM-1), direction
373  integer :: i_child, id_in, id_out
375  nc = tree%n_cell
377  do n = 1, size(af_child_adj_nb, 1)
378  ix = get_new_surface_ix(diel)
379  direction = diel%surfaces(p_ix)%direction
381  ! Select a child adjacent to the neighbor containing the dielectric
382  i_child = af_child_adj_nb(n, direction)
383  id_out = tree%boxes(p_id)%children(i_child)
384  ! The neighbor inside the dielectric should exist
385  id_in = tree%boxes(id_out)%neighbors(direction)
386  if (id_out <= af_no_box .or. id_in <= af_no_box) &
387  error stop "Error in prolongation: children do not exist"
389  diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use = .true.
390  diel%surfaces(ix)%ix_parent = p_ix
391  diel%surfaces(ix)%id_in = id_in
392  diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out = id_out
393  diel%surfaces(ix)%direction = direction
394  diel%surfaces(ix)%eps = diel%surfaces(p_ix)%eps
395  diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix(id_out) = ix
396  diel%box_id_in_to_surface_ix(id_in) = ix
398  ix_offset = af_get_child_offset(tree%boxes(id_out))
400  ! Compute index offset of child surface relative to parent. This is nc/2
401  ! times the child offset, but only in the dimensions parallel to the
402  ! surface.
403  dix = nc/2 * pack(af_child_dix(:, i_child), &
404  [(i, i=1,ndim)] /= af_neighb_dim(direction))
405  diel%surfaces(ix)%offset_parent(:) = dix
407  ! Extract the grid spacing parallel to the surface
408  diel%surfaces(ix)%dr = pack(tree%boxes(id_out)%dr, &
409  [(i, i=1,ndim)] /= af_neighb_dim(direction))
411  associate(sd => diel%surfaces(ix)%sd, &
412  sd_p => diel%surfaces(p_ix)%sd)
413 #if NDIM == 2
414  ! Copy the values from the parent
415  sd(1:nc:2, :) = sd_p(dix(1)+1:dix(1)+nc/2, :)
416  sd(2:nc:2, :) = sd(1:nc:2, :)
417 #elif NDIM == 3
418  ! Copy the values from the parent
419 !FLAG
420  sd(1:nc:2, 1:nc:2, :) = sd_p(dix(1)+1:dix(1)+nc/2, dix(2)+1:dix(2)+nc/2, :)
421  sd(2:nc:2, 1:nc:2, :) = sd(1:nc:2, 1:nc:2, :)
422  sd(:, 2:nc:2, :) = sd(:, 1:nc:2, :)
423 #endif
424  end associate
425  end do
427  diel%surfaces(p_ix)%in_use = .false.
429  end subroutine prolong_surface_from_parent
432  subroutine restrict_surface_to_parent(tree, diel, ix)
433  type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
434  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
435  integer, intent(in) :: ix
436  integer :: p_ix, nc, dix(NDIM-1), id_out, id_in
438  p_ix = diel%surfaces(ix)%ix_parent
439  if (p_ix == surface_none) error stop "Too much derefinement on surface"
440  dix = diel%surfaces(ix)%offset_parent
441  nc = tree%n_cell
443  associate(sd => diel%surfaces(ix)%sd, &
444  sd_p => diel%surfaces(p_ix)%sd)
445 #if NDIM == 2
446  ! Average the value on the children
447  sd_p(dix(1)+1:dix(1)+nc/2, :) = 0.5_dp * (sd(1:nc:2, :) + sd(2:nc:2, :))
448 #elif NDIM == 3
449 !FLAG
450  sd_p(dix(1)+1:dix(1)+nc/2, dix(2)+1:dix(2)+nc/2, :) = 0.25_dp * &
451  (sd(1:nc:2, 1:nc:2, :) + sd(2:nc:2, 1:nc:2, :) + sd(1:nc:2, 2:nc:2, :) + sd(2:nc:2, 1:nc:2, :) + sd(2:nc:2, 2:nc:2, :))
452 #endif
453  end associate
455  !$omp critical
456  ! Remove child surface
457  diel%n_removed = diel%n_removed + 1
458  diel%removed_surfaces(diel%n_removed) = ix
459  diel%surfaces(p_ix)%in_use = .true.
460  !$omp end critical
461  id_out = diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out
462  id_in = diel%surfaces(ix)%id_in
463  diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix(id_out) = surface_none
464  diel%box_id_in_to_surface_ix(id_in) = surface_none
465  diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use = .false.
467  end subroutine restrict_surface_to_parent
472  subroutine surface_get_refinement_links(diel, refinement_links)
473  type(surfaces_t), intent(in) :: diel
475  integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: refinement_links(:, :)
476  integer :: max_ix, n, ix
478  if (allocated(refinement_links)) deallocate(refinement_links)
479  max_ix = diel%max_ix
480  n = count(diel%surfaces(1:max_ix)%in_use)
481  allocate(refinement_links(2, n))
483  n = 0
484  do ix = 1, max_ix
485  if (diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use) then
486  n = n + 1
487  refinement_links(:, n) = [diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out, &
488  diel%surfaces(ix)%id_in]
489  end if
490  end do
491  end subroutine surface_get_refinement_links
494  subroutine surface_surface_charge_to_rhs(tree, diel, i_sigma, i_rhs, fac)
495  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
496  type(surfaces_t), intent(in) :: diel
497  integer, intent(in) :: i_sigma
498  integer, intent(in) :: i_rhs
499  real(dp), intent(in) :: fac
500  integer :: n
502  if (.not. diel%initialized) error stop "dielectric not initialized"
504  do n = 1, diel%max_ix
505  if (.not. diel%surfaces(n)%in_use) cycle
507  call surface_charge_to_rhs(tree%boxes, diel%surfaces(n), &
508  i_sigma, i_rhs, fac)
509  end do
510  end subroutine surface_surface_charge_to_rhs
514  subroutine surface_charge_to_rhs(boxes, surface, i_sigma, i_rhs, fac)
515  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: boxes(:)
516  type(surface_t), intent(in) :: surface
517  integer, intent(in) :: i_sigma
518  integer, intent(in) :: i_rhs
519  real(dp), intent(in) :: fac
520  integer :: nb, nc, id_in, id_out
521  integer :: glo(NDIM), ghi(NDIM)
522  integer :: dlo(NDIM), dhi(NDIM)
523  real(dp) :: frac_gas, dr, fac_to_volume
525  nb = surface%direction
526  id_in = surface%id_in
527  id_out = surface%id_out
528  nc = boxes(id_out)%n_cell
529  dr = boxes(id_out)%dr(af_neighb_dim(nb))
531  ! Factor to convert surface charge density to volume density
532  fac_to_volume = 1 / dr
534  ! Get index range for cells adjacent to the boundary of the dielectric box
535  call af_get_index_bc_inside(af_neighb_rev(nb), nc, 1, dlo, dhi)
537  ! Get similar index range for gas-phase box
538  call af_get_index_bc_inside(nb, nc, 1, glo, ghi)
540  ! How much of the rhs to put on the gas and dielectric side
541  frac_gas = 1.0_dp / (1.0_dp + surface%eps)
543 #if NDIM == 2
544  boxes(id_out)%cc(glo(1):ghi(1), glo(2):ghi(2), i_rhs) = &
545  boxes(id_out)%cc(glo(1):ghi(1), glo(2):ghi(2), i_rhs) &
546  + frac_gas * fac * fac_to_volume * &
547  reshape(surface%sd(:, i_sigma), [ghi(1)-glo(1)+1, ghi(2)-glo(2)+1])
549  boxes(id_in)%cc(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), i_rhs) = &
550  boxes(id_in)%cc(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), i_rhs) &
551  + (1-frac_gas) * fac * fac_to_volume * &
552  reshape(surface%sd(:, i_sigma), [dhi(1)-dlo(1)+1, dhi(2)-dlo(2)+1])
553 #elif NDIM == 3
554 !FLAG
555  boxes(id_out)%cc(glo(1):ghi(1), glo(2):ghi(2), glo(3):ghi(3), i_rhs) = &
556  boxes(id_out)%cc(glo(1):ghi(1), glo(2):ghi(2), glo(3):ghi(3), i_rhs) &
557  + frac_gas * fac * fac_to_volume * &
558  reshape(surface%sd(:, :, i_sigma), [ghi(1)-glo(1)+1, ghi(2)-glo(2)+1, ghi(3)-glo(3)+1])
560  boxes(id_in)%cc(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), dlo(3):dhi(3), i_rhs) = &
561  boxes(id_in)%cc(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), dlo(3):dhi(3), i_rhs) &
562  + (1-frac_gas) * fac * fac_to_volume * &
563  reshape(surface%sd(:, :, i_sigma), [dhi(1)-dlo(1)+1, dhi(2)-dlo(2)+1, dhi(3)-dlo(3)+1])
564 #endif
566  end subroutine surface_charge_to_rhs
569  subroutine surface_inside_layer_to_surface(tree, diel, i_cc, i_sigma, &
570  fac, clear_cc, clear_surf)
571  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
572  type(surfaces_t), intent(inout) :: diel
573  integer, intent(in) :: i_cc
574  integer, intent(in) :: i_sigma
575  real(dp), intent(in) :: fac
576  logical, intent(in) :: clear_cc
577  logical, intent(in) :: clear_surf
578  integer :: n
580  if (.not. diel%initialized) error stop "dielectric not initialized"
582  do n = 1, diel%max_ix
583  if (.not. diel%surfaces(n)%in_use) cycle
585  call inside_layer_to_surface(tree%boxes, diel%surfaces(n), &
586  i_cc, i_sigma, fac, clear_cc, clear_surf)
587  end do
588  end subroutine surface_inside_layer_to_surface
591  subroutine inside_layer_to_surface(boxes, surface, i_cc, i_sigma, fac, &
592  clear_cc, clear_surf)
593  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: boxes(:)
594  type(surface_t), intent(inout) :: surface
595  integer, intent(in) :: i_cc
596  integer, intent(in) :: i_sigma
597  real(dp), intent(in) :: fac
598  logical, intent(in) :: clear_cc
599  logical, intent(in) :: clear_surf
600  integer :: nb, nc, id_in
601  integer :: dlo(NDIM), dhi(NDIM)
602  real(dp) :: dr
604  nb = surface%direction
605  id_in = surface%id_in
606  nc = boxes(id_in)%n_cell
607  dr = boxes(id_in)%dr(af_neighb_dim(nb))
609  ! Get index range for cells adjacent to the boundary of the dielectric box
610  call af_get_index_bc_inside(af_neighb_rev(nb), nc, 1, dlo, dhi)
612 #if NDIM == 2
613  if (clear_surf) surface%sd(:, i_sigma) = 0.0_dp
615  surface%sd(:, i_sigma) = surface%sd(:, i_sigma) + fac * dr * &
616  pack(boxes(id_in)%cc(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), i_cc), .true.)
617  if (clear_cc) boxes(id_in)%cc(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), i_cc) = 0.0_dp
618 #elif NDIM == 3
619  if (clear_surf) surface%sd(:, :, i_sigma) = 0.0_dp
620 !FLAG
621  surface%sd(:,:, i_sigma) = surface%sd(:, :, i_sigma) + fac * dr * &
622  reshape(boxes(id_in)%cc(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), dlo(3):dhi(3), i_cc), [nc, nc])
623  if (clear_cc) boxes(id_in)%cc(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), dlo(3):dhi(3), i_cc) = 0.0_dp
624 #endif
626  end subroutine inside_layer_to_surface
629  subroutine surface_correct_field_fc(tree, diel, i_sigma, i_fld, i_phi, fac)
630  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
631  type(surfaces_t), intent(in) :: diel
632  integer, intent(in) :: i_sigma
633  integer, intent(in) :: i_fld
634  integer, intent(in) :: i_phi
635  real(dp), intent(in) :: fac
636  integer :: id_in, id_out, nc, nb, ix
637  real(dp) :: eps, fac_fld(2), fac_charge, inv_dr(ndim)
638  integer :: dlo(ndim), dhi(ndim)
639  integer :: glo(ndim), ghi(ndim)
640  integer :: dlo_shft(ndim), dhi_shft(ndim)
641  integer :: glo_shft(ndim), ghi_shft(ndim)
642  integer :: shft(ndim, 2*ndim)
644  if (.not. diel%initialized) error stop "dielectric not initialized"
646  nc = tree%n_cell
648  do ix = 1, diel%max_ix
649  if (diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use) then
650  nb = diel%surfaces(ix)%direction
651  eps = diel%surfaces(ix)%eps
652  id_out = diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out
653  id_in = diel%surfaces(ix)%id_in
654  inv_dr = 1/tree%boxes(id_out)%dr
656  fac_fld = [2 * eps, 2.0_dp] / (1 + eps)
657  fac_charge = fac / (1 + eps)
659  ! Get index range for cells adjacent to the boundary of the dielectric box
660  call af_get_index_bface_inside(af_neighb_rev(nb), nc, 1, dlo, dhi)
662  ! Get similar index range for gas-phase box
663  call af_get_index_bface_inside(nb, nc, 1, glo, ghi)
665  ! Compute the offset for finite difference
666  shft = - abs(af_neighb_dix(:, :))
668  dlo_shft(:) = dlo(:) + shft(:, nb)
669  dhi_shft(:) = dhi(:) + shft(:, nb)
670  glo_shft(:) = glo(:) + shft(:, nb)
671  ghi_shft(:) = ghi(:) + shft(:, nb)
673  associate(fc_out => tree%boxes(id_out)%fc, &
674  fc_in => tree%boxes(id_in)%fc, &
675  cc_out => tree%boxes(id_out)%cc, &
676  cc_in => tree%boxes(id_in)%cc, &
677  sd => diel%surfaces(ix)%sd)
678  select case (nb)
679 #if NDIM == 2
680  case (af_neighb_lowx)
681  fc_out(1, 1:nc, 1, i_fld) = fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(1) * &
682  (cc_out(0, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_out(1, 1:nc, i_phi)) &
683  + fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
684  fc_in(nc+1, 1:nc, 1, i_fld) = fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(1) * &
685  (cc_in(nc, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_in(nc+1, 1:nc, i_phi)) &
686  - fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
687  case (af_neighb_highx)
688  fc_out(nc+1, 1:nc, 1, i_fld) = fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(1) * &
689  (cc_out(nc, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_out(nc+1, 1:nc, i_phi)) &
690  - fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
691  fc_in(1, 1:nc, 1, i_fld) = fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(1) * &
692  (cc_in(0, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_in(1, 1:nc, i_phi)) &
693  + fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
694  case (af_neighb_lowy)
695  fc_out(1:nc, 1, 2, i_fld) = fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(2) * &
696  (cc_out(1:nc, 0, i_phi) - cc_out(1:nc, 1, i_phi)) &
697  + fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
698  fc_in(1:nc, nc+1, 2, i_fld) = fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(2) * &
699  (cc_in(1:nc, nc, i_phi) - cc_in(1:nc, nc+1, i_phi)) &
700  - fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
701  case (af_neighb_highy)
702  fc_out(1:nc, nc+1, 2, i_fld) = fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(2) * &
703  (cc_out(1:nc, nc, i_phi) - cc_out(1:nc, nc+1, i_phi)) &
704  - fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
705  fc_in(1:nc, 1, 2, i_fld) = fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(2) * &
706  (cc_in(1:nc, 0, i_phi) - cc_in(1:nc, 1, i_phi)) &
707  + fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
708 #elif NDIM == 3
709  case default
710  fc_out(glo(1):ghi(1), glo(2):ghi(2), glo(3):ghi(3), af_neighb_dim(nb), i_fld) = &
711  fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(af_neighb_dim(nb)) * &
712  (cc_out(glo_shft(1):ghi_shft(1), glo_shft(2):ghi_shft(2), glo_shft(3):ghi_shft(3), i_phi) - &
713  cc_out(glo(1):ghi(1), glo(2):ghi(2), glo(3):ghi(3), i_phi)) &
714  + fac_charge * reshape(sd(:, :, i_sigma), [ghi(1)-glo(1)+1, ghi(2)-glo(2)+1, ghi(3)-glo(3)+1])
716  fc_in(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), dlo(3):dhi(3), af_neighb_dim(nb), i_fld) = &
717  fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(af_neighb_dim(nb)) * &
718  (cc_in(dlo_shft(1):dhi_shft(1), dlo_shft(2):dhi_shft(2), dlo_shft(3):dhi_shft(3), i_phi) - &
719  cc_in(dlo(1):dhi(1), dlo(2):dhi(2), dlo(3):dhi(3), i_phi)) &
720  - fac_charge * reshape(sd(:, :, i_sigma), [dhi(1)-dlo(1)+1, dhi(2)-dlo(2)+1, dhi(3)-dlo(3)+1])
721 #endif
722  end select
723  end associate
724  end if
725  end do
727  end subroutine surface_correct_field_fc
729 #if NDIM == 2
731  subroutine surface_correct_field_cc(tree, diel, i_sigma, i_fld, i_phi, fac)
732  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
733  type(surfaces_t), intent(in) :: diel
734  integer, intent(in) :: i_sigma
735  integer, intent(in) :: i_fld(ndim)
736  integer, intent(in) :: i_phi
737  real(dp), intent(in) :: fac
738  integer :: id_in, id_out, nc, nb, ix
739  real(dp) :: eps, fac_fld(2), fac_charge, inv_dr(ndim)
740  real(dp) :: f_out(tree%n_cell), f_in(tree%n_cell)
742  if (.not. diel%initialized) error stop "dielectric not initialized"
744  nc = tree%n_cell
746  do ix = 1, diel%max_ix
747  if (diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use) then
748  nb = diel%surfaces(ix)%direction
749  eps = diel%surfaces(ix)%eps
750  id_out = diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out
751  id_in = diel%surfaces(ix)%id_in
752  inv_dr = 1/tree%boxes(id_out)%dr
754  fac_fld = [2 * eps, 2.0_dp] / (1 + eps)
755  fac_charge = fac / (1 + eps)
757  associate(cc_out => tree%boxes(id_out)%cc, &
758  cc_in => tree%boxes(id_in)%cc, &
759  sd => diel%surfaces(ix)%sd)
761  ! Compute field at two cell faces and average them
762  select case (nb)
763  case (af_neighb_lowx)
764  f_out = fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(1) * &
765  (cc_out(0, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_out(1, 1:nc, i_phi)) &
766  + fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
767  f_in = fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(1) * &
768  (cc_in(nc, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_in(nc+1, 1:nc, i_phi)) &
769  - fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
770  cc_out(1, 1:nc, i_fld(1)) = 0.5_dp * (f_out + inv_dr(1) * &
771  (cc_out(1, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_out(2, 1:nc, i_phi)))
772  cc_out(0, 1:nc, i_fld(1)) = f_out
773  cc_in(nc, 1:nc, i_fld(1)) = 0.5_dp * (f_in + inv_dr(1) * &
774  (cc_in(nc-1, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_in(nc, 1:nc, i_phi)))
775  cc_in(nc+1, 1:nc, i_fld(1)) = f_in
776  case (af_neighb_highx)
777  f_out = fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(1) * &
778  (cc_out(nc, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_out(nc+1, 1:nc, i_phi)) &
779  - fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
780  f_in = fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(1) * &
781  (cc_in(0, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_in(1, 1:nc, i_phi)) &
782  + fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
783  cc_out(nc, 1:nc, i_fld(1)) = 0.5_dp * (f_out + inv_dr(1) * &
784  (cc_out(nc-1, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_out(nc, 1:nc, i_phi)))
785  cc_out(nc+1, 1:nc, i_fld(1)) = f_out
786  cc_in(1, 1:nc, i_fld(1)) = 0.5_dp * (f_in + inv_dr(1) * &
787  (cc_in(1, 1:nc, i_phi) - cc_in(2, 1:nc, i_phi)))
788  cc_in(0, 1:nc, i_fld(1)) = f_in
789  case (af_neighb_lowy)
790  f_out = fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(2) * &
791  (cc_out(1:nc, 0, i_phi) - cc_out(1:nc, 1, i_phi)) &
792  + fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
793  f_in = fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(2) * &
794  (cc_in(1:nc, nc, i_phi) - cc_in(1:nc, nc+1, i_phi)) &
795  - fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
796  cc_out(1:nc, 1, i_fld(2)) = 0.5_dp * (f_out + inv_dr(2) * &
797  (cc_out(1:nc, 1, i_phi) - cc_out(1:nc, 2, i_phi)))
798  cc_out(1:nc, 0, i_fld(2)) = f_out
799  cc_in(1:nc, nc, i_fld(2)) = 0.5_dp * (f_in + inv_dr(2) * &
800  (cc_in(1:nc, nc-1, i_phi) - cc_in(1:nc, nc, i_phi)))
801  cc_in(1:nc, nc+1, i_fld(2)) = f_in
802  case (af_neighb_highy)
803  f_out = fac_fld(1) * inv_dr(2) * &
804  (cc_out(1:nc, nc, i_phi) - cc_out(1:nc, nc+1, i_phi)) &
805  - fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
806  f_in = fac_fld(2) * inv_dr(2) * &
807  (cc_in(1:nc, 0, i_phi) - cc_in(1:nc, 1, i_phi)) &
808  + fac_charge * sd(:, i_sigma)
809  cc_out(1:nc, nc, i_fld(2)) = 0.5_dp * (f_out + inv_dr(2) * &
810  (cc_out(1:nc, nc-1, i_phi) - cc_out(1:nc, nc, i_phi)))
811  cc_out(1:nc, nc+1, i_fld(2)) = f_out
812  cc_in(1:nc, 1, i_fld(2)) = 0.5_dp * (f_in + inv_dr(2) * &
813  (cc_in(1:nc, 1, i_phi) - cc_in(1:nc, 2, i_phi)))
814  cc_in(1:nc, 0, i_fld(2)) = f_in
815  end select
816  end associate
817  end if
818  end do
819  end subroutine surface_correct_field_cc
820 #endif
822  subroutine surface_get_surface_cell(tree, diel, x, ix_surf, ix_cell)
823  use m_af_utils
824  type(af_t), intent(in) :: tree
825  type(surfaces_t), intent(in) :: diel
826  real(dp), intent(in) :: x(ndim)
827  integer, intent(out) :: ix_surf
828  integer, intent(out) :: ix_cell(ndim-1)
829  type(af_loc_t) :: loc
830  integer :: i, id, dim, direction
832  ! Find location in box
833  loc = af_get_loc(tree, x)
835  ! Check whether id is valid
836  id = loc%id
837  if (id == -1) error stop "Coordinate out of domain"
839  ! Check for a surface from both sides
840  ix_surf = diel%box_id_out_to_surface_ix(id)
841  if (ix_surf == surface_none) ix_surf = diel%box_id_in_to_surface_ix(id)
842  if (ix_surf == surface_none) error stop "No surface found"
844  ! Extract the cell index but only parallel to the surface
845  direction = diel%surfaces(ix_surf)%direction
846  dim = af_neighb_dim(direction)
847  ix_cell = pack(loc%ix, [(i, i=1,ndim)] /= dim)
848  end subroutine surface_get_surface_cell
851  subroutine surface_write_output(tree, diel, i_vars, var_names, output_name, &
852  output_cnt)
853  use m_npy
854  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
855  type(surfaces_t), intent(in) :: diel
856  integer, intent(in) :: i_vars(:)
857  character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_names(:)
858  character(len=*), intent(in) :: output_name
859  integer, intent(in) :: output_cnt
860  integer :: n, i, ix, nc, n_vars
861  integer :: lo(ndim-1), hi(ndim-1)
862  character(len=200) :: tmpname, filename
864  real(dp) :: coords(ndim, tree%n_cell**(ndim-1))
865  real(dp), allocatable :: r(:, :), dr(:, :)
866  real(dp), allocatable :: surface_vars(:, :)
867  integer, allocatable :: surf_dim(:)
869  nc = diel%n_cell
870  n = count(diel%surfaces(1:diel%max_ix)%in_use)
871  n_vars = size(i_vars)
872  allocate(r(ndim, n*nc), surface_vars(n*nc, n_vars))
873  allocate(dr(ndim-1, n), surf_dim(n))
875  write(filename, "(A,I6.6,A)") trim(output_name) // "_", &
876  output_cnt, "_surface.npz"
877  write(tmpname, "(A,I6.6,A)") trim(output_name) // "_", &
878  output_cnt, "_tmp.npy"
880  i = 0
881  do ix = 1, diel%max_ix
882  if (diel%surfaces(ix)%in_use) then
883  i = i + 1
884  lo = (i-1) * nc + 1
885  hi = i * nc
887  associate(box => tree%boxes(diel%surfaces(ix)%id_out), &
888  surf => diel%surfaces(ix))
889  call af_get_face_coords(box, surf%direction, coords)
890 #if NDIM == 2
891  r(:, lo(1):hi(1)) = coords
892  dr(:, i) = surf%dr
893  surf_dim(i) = af_neighb_dim(surf%direction)
894  surface_vars(lo(1):hi(1), :) = surf%sd(:, i_vars)
895 #elif NDIM == 3
896  error stop "not implemented"
897 #endif
898  end associate
899  end if
900  end do
902  call save_npy(tmpname, [n])
903  call add_to_zip(filename, tmpname, .false., "n_surfaces")
904  call save_npy(tmpname, [nc])
905  call add_to_zip(filename, tmpname, .false., "n_cell")
906  call save_npy(tmpname, r)
907  call add_to_zip(filename, tmpname, .false., "r")
908  call save_npy(tmpname, dr)
909  call add_to_zip(filename, tmpname, .false., "dr")
910  call save_npy(tmpname, surf_dim)
911  call add_to_zip(filename, tmpname, .false., "normal_dim")
913  do n = 1, n_vars
914  call save_npy(tmpname, surface_vars(:, n))
915  call add_to_zip(filename, tmpname, .false., trim(var_names(n)))
916  end do
917  print *, "surface_write_output: written " // trim(filename)
919  end subroutine surface_write_output
921 end module m_af_surface
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