This module contains the basic types and constants that are used in the NDIM-dimensional version of Afivo, together with some basic routines. More...
Data Types | |
type | af_cc_methods |
Collection of methods for a cell-centered variable. More... | |
type | af_loc_t |
Type specifying the location of a cell. More... | |
interface | af_subr |
Subroutine that gets a box. More... | |
interface | af_subr_arg |
Subroutine that gets a box and an array of reals. More... | |
interface | af_subr_bc |
To fill ghost cells near physical boundaries. More... | |
interface | af_subr_bc_custom |
To fill ghost cells near physical boundaries in a custom way. If the number of ghost cells to fill is greater than one (n_gc > 1), fill ghost cells in the optional argument cc. More... | |
interface | af_subr_boxes |
Subroutine that gets a list of boxes and a box id. More... | |
interface | af_subr_boxes_arg |
Subroutine that gets a list of boxes, an id and an array of reals. More... | |
interface | af_subr_funcval |
To set cell-centered variables based on a user-defined function. This can be useful to avoid recomputing values. The values should also be set in ghost cells. More... | |
interface | af_subr_prolong |
Subroutine for prolongation. More... | |
interface | af_subr_rb |
To fill ghost cells near refinement boundaries. More... | |
interface | af_subr_ref |
Subroutine for setting refinement flags. More... | |
interface | af_subr_restrict |
Subroutine for restriction. More... | |
interface | af_subr_tree |
Subroutine that gets a tree and a box id. More... | |
interface | af_subr_tree_arg |
Subroutine that gets a tree, a box id and an array of reals. More... | |
type | af_t |
Type which stores all the boxes and levels, as well as some information about the number of boxes, variables and levels. More... | |
type | box_t |
The basic building block of afivo: a box with cell-centered and face centered data, and information about its position, neighbors, children etc. More... | |
type | coarse_solve_t |
Generic type for the coarse grid solver. More... | |
type | lvl_t |
Type which contains the indices of all boxes at a refinement level, as well as a list with all the "leaf" boxes and non-leaf (parent) boxes. More... | |
interface | mg_box_corr |
interface | mg_box_gsrb |
Subroutine that performs Gauss-Seidel relaxation. More... | |
interface | mg_box_op |
Subroutine that performs A * cc(..., i_in) = cc(..., i_out) More... | |
interface | mg_box_rstr |
interface | mg_box_stencil |
interface | mg_func_lsf |
Level set function. More... | |
interface | mg_lsf_distf |
Compute distance to boundary starting at point a going to point b, in the range from [0, 1], with 1 meaning there is no boundary. More... | |
type | mg_t |
Type to store multigrid options in. More... | |
type | ref_info_t |
Type that contains the refinement changes in a tree. More... | |
type | ref_lvl_t |
Type that contains the refinement changes in a level. More... | |
type | stencil_t |
Type for storing a numerical stencil for a box. More... | |
Functions/Subroutines | |
integer function | af_get_max_threads () |
Get number of threads. More... | |
subroutine | af_print_info (tree) |
Get tree info. More... | |
pure integer function | af_box_bytes (n_cell, n_var_cell, n_var_face) |
pure integer function | af_num_boxes_used (tree) |
pure integer function | af_num_leaves_used (tree) |
pure integer function | af_num_cells_used (tree) |
pure real(dp) function | af_total_volume (tree) |
elemental logical function | af_has_children (box) |
Return .true. if a box has children. More... | |
pure logical function, dimension(size(nbs)) | af_is_phys_boundary (boxes, id, nbs) |
Return .true. where there is a physical/periodic boundary. Detecting physical boundaries is straightforward (simply test whether neighbors(i) < af_no_box), but periodic boundaries require a comparison of their spatial index. More... | |
pure logical function | af_is_ref_boundary (boxes, id, nb) |
Check whether a refinement boundary is present, either fine-to-coarse or coarse-to-fine. More... | |
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) | af_get_child_offset (box, nb) |
Get the offset of a box with respect to its parent (e.g. in 2d, there can be a child at offset 0,0, one at n_cell/2,0, one at 0,n_cell/2 and one at n_cell/2, n_cell/2) More... | |
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) | af_get_ix_on_parent (box, ix) |
Given a cell index on box, get index of the closest cell at its parent. More... | |
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) | af_get_ix_on_neighb (box, ix, nb) |
Given a cell index on box, get index on a neighbor. More... | |
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) | af_neighb_offset (nbs) |
Given a list of neighbor directions, compute the index offset. More... | |
subroutine | af_get_index_bc_inside (nb, nc, n_gc, lo, hi) |
Get index range of boundary cells inside a box facing neighbor nb. More... | |
subroutine | af_get_index_bc_outside (nb, nc, n_gc, lo, hi) |
Get index range of ghost cells facing neighbor nb. More... | |
subroutine | af_get_index_bface_inside (nb, nc, n_gc, lo, hi) |
Get index range of boundary FACES inside a box facing neighbor nb. More... | |
pure integer function | af_ix_to_ichild (ix) |
Compute the 'child index' for a box with spatial index ix. With 'child index' we mean the index in the children(:) array of its parent. More... | |
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) | af_cc_ix (box, r) |
Get the cell index in which r lies. This routine does not check whether r is actually located inside the box. More... | |
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) | af_r_cc (box, cc_ix) |
Get the location of the cell center with index cc_ix. More... | |
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) | af_r_fc (box, dim, fc_ix) |
Get the location of the face parallel to dim with index fc_ix. More... | |
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) | af_rr_cc (box, cc_ix) |
Get a general location with index cc_ix (like af_r_cc but using reals) More... | |
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) | af_r_center (box) |
Return the coordinate of the center of a box. More... | |
pure real(dp) function | af_min_dr (tree) |
Return finest dr that is used in the tree. More... | |
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) | af_lvl_dr (tree, lvl) |
Return dr at lvl. More... | |
subroutine | af_set_box_gc (box, nb, iv, gc_scalar, gc_array) |
pure real(dp) function | af_cyl_radius_cc (box, i) |
Get the radius of the cell center with first index i. More... | |
pure real(dp) function | af_cyl_volume_cc (box, i) |
Get the volume of the cell with first index i. More... | |
subroutine | af_cyl_child_weights (box, i, inner, outer) |
Get the normalized weights of the 'inner' and 'outer' children of a cell with index ix. Note that the cell centers of the children are located at -/+ 0.25 dr compared to the parent. More... | |
subroutine | af_cyl_flux_factors (box, flux_factors) |
Get the factors for the left and right flux in each cell. More... | |
subroutine | af_get_face_coords (box, nb, coords) |
Get coordinates at the faces of a box boundary. More... | |
Variables | |
integer, parameter | dp = kind(0.0d0) |
integer, parameter | af_max_lvl = 30 |
Highest allowed refinement level. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_min_lvl = 1 |
Lowest allowed refinement level. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_max_num_vars = 1024 |
Maximum number of variables. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_rm_ref = -1 |
Value indicating you want to derefine a box. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_keep_ref = 0 |
Value indicating you want to keep a box's refinement. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_do_ref = 1 |
Value indicating you want to refine a box. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_derefine = -2 |
The children of a box are removed (for internal use) More... | |
integer, parameter | af_refine = 2 |
A box will be refined (for internal use) More... | |
integer, parameter | af_no_box = 0 |
Special value indicating there is no box. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_phys_boundary = -1 |
Special value indicating a physical (non-periodic) boundary. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_init_tag = -huge(1) |
Each box contains a tag, for which bits can be set. This is the initial value, which should not be used by the user. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_xyz = 1 |
Default coordinate system. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_cyl = 2 |
Cylindrical coordinate system. More... | |
character(len= *), dimension(2), parameter | af_coord_names = ["Cartesian ", "Cylindrical"] |
Names of coordinate systems. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_bc_dirichlet = -10 |
Value to indicate a Dirichlet boundary condition. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_bc_neumann = -11 |
Value to indicate a Neumann boundary condition. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_bc_continuous = -12 |
Value to indicate a continuous boundary condition. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_bc_dirichlet_copy = -13 |
Value to indicate a Dirichlet boundary condition in which a value is copied to the ghost cells, without any type of extrapolation. This can be useful for hyperbolic PDEs. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_nlen = 20 |
Maximum length of the names of variables. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_num_children = 2 |
Number of children. More... | |
integer, dimension(3, 8), parameter | af_child_dix = reshape([0,1], [1,2]) |
Index offset for each child. More... | |
integer, dimension(4, 6), parameter | af_child_adj_nb = reshape([1,2], [1,2]) |
Children adjacent to a neighbor. More... | |
logical, dimension(3, 8), parameter | af_child_low = reshape([.true., .false.], [1, 2]) |
Which children have a low index per dimension. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_num_neighbors = 2 |
Whether a child located in the 'upper' direction (1 or 0) More... | |
integer, parameter | af_neighb_lowx = 1 |
Lower-x neighbor. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_neighb_highx = 2 |
Upper-x neighbor. More... | |
integer, dimension(3, 6), parameter | af_neighb_dix = reshape([-1,1], [1,2]) |
Index offsets of neighbors. More... | |
logical, dimension(6), parameter | af_neighb_low = [.true., .false.] |
Which neighbors have a lower index. More... | |
integer, dimension(3), parameter | af_low_neighbs = [1] |
The low neighbors. More... | |
integer, dimension(3), parameter | af_high_neighbs = [2] |
The high neighbors. More... | |
integer, dimension(6), parameter | af_neighb_high_pm = [-1, 1] |
Opposite of nb_low, but now as -1,1 integers. More... | |
integer, dimension(6), parameter | af_neighb_rev = [2, 1] |
Reverse neighbors. More... | |
integer, dimension(6), parameter | af_neighb_dim = [1, 1] |
Direction (dimension) for a neighbor. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_neighb_lowy = 3 |
Lower-y neighbor. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_neighb_highy = 4 |
Upper-y neighbor. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_neighb_lowz = 5 |
Lower-z neighbor. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_neighb_highz = 6 |
Upper-z neighbor. More... | |
integer, parameter | af_num_edges = 12 |
Number of edgse. More... | |
integer, dimension(12), parameter | af_edge_dim = [1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3] |
Coordinate parallel to edge. More... | |
integer, dimension(3, 12), parameter | af_edge_dir = reshape( [0,-1,-1, 0,1,-1, 0,-1,1, 0,1,1, -1,0,-1, 1,0,-1, -1,0,1, 1,0,1, -1,-1,0, 1,-1,0, -1,1,0, 1,1,0], [3, 12]) |
Direction of edge. More... | |
integer, dimension(2, 12), parameter | af_nb_adj_edge = reshape( [3,5, 4,5, 3,6, 4,6, 1,5, 2,5, 1,6, 2,6, 1,3, 2,3, 1,4, 2,4], [2,12]) |
Neighbors adjacent to edges. More... | |
integer, dimension(3, 12), parameter | af_edge_min_ix = reshape( [0,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1, 0,1,1, 0,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0,1, 1,0,1, 0,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 1,1,0], [3,12]) |
Minimum index of edge (1 indicates n_cell + 1) More... | |
integer, parameter | af_stencil_none = 0 |
Value indicating the absence of a stencil. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_normal_operator = 1 |
integer, parameter | mg_lsf_operator = 2 |
integer, parameter | mg_eps_operator = 3 |
integer, parameter | mg_auto_operator = 4 |
integer, parameter | mg_normal_box = 0 |
Normal box (no eps/lsf) More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_lsf_box = 1 |
Box has level set function. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_veps_box = 2 |
Box has variable coefficient. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_ceps_box = 4 |
Box has constant coefficient /= 1. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_prolong_linear = 17 |
Linear prolongation. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_prolong_sparse = 18 |
Sparse linear prolongation. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_prolong_auto = 19 |
Automatic prolongation. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_lsf_distance_key = 31 |
Stencil key for level set function distance. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_lsf_mask_key = 32 |
Stencil key for level set function mask. More... | |
integer, parameter | mg_cycle_down = 1 |
integer, parameter | mg_cycle_up = 3 |
This module contains the basic types and constants that are used in the NDIM-dimensional version of Afivo, together with some basic routines.
integer function m_af_types::af_get_max_threads |
Get number of threads.
Definition at line 727 of file m_af_types.f90.
subroutine m_af_types::af_print_info | ( | type(af_t), intent(in) | tree | ) |
pure integer function m_af_types::af_box_bytes | ( | integer, intent(in) | n_cell, |
integer, intent(in) | n_var_cell, | ||
integer, intent(in) | n_var_face | ||
) |
[in] | n_cell | number of cells per dimension |
[in] | n_var_cell | number of cell-centered variables |
[in] | n_var_face | number of face-centered variables |
Definition at line 766 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function m_af_types::af_num_boxes_used | ( | type(af_t), intent(in) | tree | ) |
Definition at line 778 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function m_af_types::af_num_leaves_used | ( | type(af_t), intent(in) | tree | ) |
Definition at line 788 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function m_af_types::af_num_cells_used | ( | type(af_t), intent(in) | tree | ) |
Definition at line 798 of file m_af_types.f90.
Definition at line 805 of file m_af_types.f90.
elemental logical function m_af_types::af_has_children | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box | ) |
Return .true. if a box has children.
Definition at line 828 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure logical function, dimension(size(nbs)) m_af_types::af_is_phys_boundary | ( | type(box_t), dimension(:), intent(in) | boxes, |
integer, intent(in) | id, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | nbs | ||
) |
Return .true. where there is a physical/periodic boundary. Detecting physical boundaries is straightforward (simply test whether neighbors(i) < af_no_box), but periodic boundaries require a comparison of their spatial index.
[in] | boxes | List of boxes |
[in] | id | Box to inspect |
[in] | nbs | Neighbor directions |
Definition at line 840 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure logical function m_af_types::af_is_ref_boundary | ( | type(box_t), dimension(:), intent(in) | boxes, |
integer, intent(in) | id, | ||
integer, intent(in) | nb | ||
) |
Check whether a refinement boundary is present, either fine-to-coarse or coarse-to-fine.
[in] | boxes | List of boxes |
[in] | id | Box to inspect |
[in] | nb | Neighbor direction |
Definition at line 881 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_get_child_offset | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, intent(in), optional | nb | ||
) |
Get the offset of a box with respect to its parent (e.g. in 2d, there can be a child at offset 0,0, one at n_cell/2,0, one at 0,n_cell/2 and one at n_cell/2, n_cell/2)
[in] | box | A child box |
[in] | nb | Optional: get index on parent neighbor |
Definition at line 903 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_get_ix_on_parent | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(in) | ix | ||
) |
Given a cell index on box, get index of the closest cell at its parent.
[in] | box | A child box |
[in] | ix | Index on child box |
Definition at line 913 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_get_ix_on_neighb | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(in) | ix, | ||
integer, intent(in) | nb | ||
) |
Given a cell index on box, get index on a neighbor.
[in] | box | A box |
[in] | ix | Index on box |
[in] | nb | Neighbor identifier |
Definition at line 921 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_neighb_offset | ( | integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | nbs | ) |
Given a list of neighbor directions, compute the index offset.
[in] | nbs | List of neighbor directions |
Definition at line 933 of file m_af_types.f90.
subroutine m_af_types::af_get_index_bc_inside | ( | integer, intent(in) | nb, |
integer, intent(in) | nc, | ||
integer, intent(in) | n_gc, | ||
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(out) | lo, | ||
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(out) | hi | ||
) |
Get index range of boundary cells inside a box facing neighbor nb.
[in] | nb | Neighbor direction |
[in] | nc | box size |
[in] | n_gc | Number of ghost cells |
Definition at line 945 of file m_af_types.f90.
subroutine m_af_types::af_get_index_bc_outside | ( | integer, intent(in) | nb, |
integer, intent(in) | nc, | ||
integer, intent(in) | n_gc, | ||
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(out) | lo, | ||
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(out) | hi | ||
) |
Get index range of ghost cells facing neighbor nb.
[in] | nb | Neighbor direction |
[in] | nc | box size |
[in] | n_gc | Number of ghost cells |
Definition at line 967 of file m_af_types.f90.
subroutine m_af_types::af_get_index_bface_inside | ( | integer, intent(in) | nb, |
integer, intent(in) | nc, | ||
integer, intent(in) | n_gc, | ||
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(out) | lo, | ||
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(out) | hi | ||
) |
Get index range of boundary FACES inside a box facing neighbor nb.
[in] | nb | Neighbor direction |
[in] | nc | box size |
[in] | n_gc | Number of ghost cells |
Definition at line 989 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function m_af_types::af_ix_to_ichild | ( | integer, dimension(ndim), intent(in) | ix | ) |
Compute the 'child index' for a box with spatial index ix. With 'child index' we mean the index in the children(:) array of its parent.
[in] | ix | Spatial index of the box |
Definition at line 1012 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure integer function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_cc_ix | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
real(dp), dimension(ndim), intent(in) | r | ||
) |
Get the cell index in which r lies. This routine does not check whether r is actually located inside the box.
Definition at line 1027 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_r_cc | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(in) | cc_ix | ||
) |
Get the location of the cell center with index cc_ix.
Definition at line 1035 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_r_fc | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, intent(in) | dim, | ||
integer, dimension(ndim), intent(in) | fc_ix | ||
) |
Get the location of the face parallel to dim with index fc_ix.
Definition at line 1043 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_rr_cc | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
real(dp), dimension(ndim), intent(in) | cc_ix | ||
) |
Get a general location with index cc_ix (like af_r_cc but using reals)
Definition at line 1053 of file m_af_types.f90.
Return the coordinate of the center of a box.
Definition at line 1061 of file m_af_types.f90.
Return finest dr that is used in the tree.
Definition at line 1068 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure real(dp) function, dimension(ndim) m_af_types::af_lvl_dr | ( | type(af_t), intent(in) | tree, |
integer, intent(in) | lvl | ||
) |
Return dr at lvl.
Definition at line 1075 of file m_af_types.f90.
subroutine m_af_types::af_set_box_gc | ( | type(box_t), intent(inout) | box, |
integer, intent(in) | nb, | ||
integer, intent(in) | iv, | ||
real(dp), intent(in), optional | gc_scalar, | ||
real(dp), dimension(box%n_cell, box%n_cell), intent(in), optional | gc_array | ||
) |
[in,out] | box | Box to operate on |
[in] | nb | Ghost cell direction |
[in] | iv | Ghost cell variable |
[in] | gc_scalar | Scalar value for ghost cells |
[in] | gc_array | Array for ghost cells |
[in] | gc_array | Array for ghost cells |
[in] | gc_array | Array for ghost cells |
Definition at line 1082 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure real(dp) function m_af_types::af_cyl_radius_cc | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, intent(in) | i | ||
) |
Get the radius of the cell center with first index i.
Definition at line 1168 of file m_af_types.f90.
pure real(dp) function m_af_types::af_cyl_volume_cc | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, intent(in) | i | ||
) |
Get the volume of the cell with first index i.
Definition at line 1176 of file m_af_types.f90.
subroutine m_af_types::af_cyl_child_weights | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, intent(in) | i, | ||
real(dp), intent(out) | inner, | ||
real(dp), intent(out) | outer | ||
) |
Get the normalized weights of the 'inner' and 'outer' children of a cell with index ix. Note that the cell centers of the children are located at -/+ 0.25 dr compared to the parent.
Definition at line 1187 of file m_af_types.f90.
subroutine m_af_types::af_cyl_flux_factors | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
real(dp), dimension(2, box%n_cell), intent(out) | flux_factors | ||
) |
Get the factors for the left and right flux in each cell.
Definition at line 1199 of file m_af_types.f90.
subroutine m_af_types::af_get_face_coords | ( | type(box_t), intent(in) | box, |
integer, intent(in) | nb, | ||
real(dp), dimension(ndim, box%n_cell**(ndim-1)), intent(out) | coords | ||
) |
Get coordinates at the faces of a box boundary.
Definition at line 1215 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::dp = kind(0.0d0) |
Definition at line 11 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_max_lvl = 30 |
Highest allowed refinement level.
Definition at line 14 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_min_lvl = 1 |
Lowest allowed refinement level.
Definition at line 17 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_max_num_vars = 1024 |
Maximum number of variables.
Definition at line 20 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_rm_ref = -1 |
Value indicating you want to derefine a box.
Definition at line 23 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_keep_ref = 0 |
Value indicating you want to keep a box's refinement.
Definition at line 26 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_do_ref = 1 |
Value indicating you want to refine a box.
Definition at line 29 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_derefine = -2 |
The children of a box are removed (for internal use)
Definition at line 32 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_refine = 2 |
A box will be refined (for internal use)
Definition at line 35 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_no_box = 0 |
Special value indicating there is no box.
Definition at line 38 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_phys_boundary = -1 |
Special value indicating a physical (non-periodic) boundary.
Definition at line 41 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_init_tag = -huge(1) |
Each box contains a tag, for which bits can be set. This is the initial value, which should not be used by the user.
Definition at line 45 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_xyz = 1 |
Default coordinate system.
Definition at line 48 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_cyl = 2 |
Cylindrical coordinate system.
Definition at line 51 of file m_af_types.f90.
character(len=*), dimension(2), parameter m_af_types::af_coord_names = ["Cartesian ", "Cylindrical"] |
Names of coordinate systems.
Definition at line 54 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_bc_dirichlet = -10 |
Value to indicate a Dirichlet boundary condition.
Definition at line 58 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_bc_neumann = -11 |
Value to indicate a Neumann boundary condition.
Definition at line 61 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_bc_continuous = -12 |
Value to indicate a continuous boundary condition.
Definition at line 64 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_bc_dirichlet_copy = -13 |
Value to indicate a Dirichlet boundary condition in which a value is copied to the ghost cells, without any type of extrapolation. This can be useful for hyperbolic PDEs.
Definition at line 69 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_nlen = 20 |
Maximum length of the names of variables.
Definition at line 72 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer parameter m_af_types::af_num_children = 2 |
Number of children.
Definition at line 97 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(3, 8), parameter m_af_types::af_child_dix = reshape([0,1], [1,2]) |
Index offset for each child.
Definition at line 100 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(4, 6), parameter m_af_types::af_child_adj_nb = reshape([1,2], [1,2]) |
Children adjacent to a neighbor.
Definition at line 102 of file m_af_types.f90.
logical, dimension(3, 8), parameter m_af_types::af_child_low = reshape([.true., .false.], [1, 2]) |
Which children have a low index per dimension.
Definition at line 104 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer parameter m_af_types::af_num_neighbors = 2 |
Whether a child located in the 'upper' direction (1 or 0)
Number of neighbors.
Number of neighbors
Definition at line 108 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_lowx = 1 |
Lower-x neighbor.
Definition at line 110 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_highx = 2 |
Upper-x neighbor.
Definition at line 112 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(3, 6), parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_dix = reshape([-1,1], [1,2]) |
Index offsets of neighbors.
Definition at line 115 of file m_af_types.f90.
logical, dimension(6), parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_low = [.true., .false.] |
Which neighbors have a lower index.
Definition at line 117 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(3), parameter m_af_types::af_low_neighbs = [1] |
The low neighbors.
Definition at line 119 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(3), parameter m_af_types::af_high_neighbs = [2] |
The high neighbors.
Definition at line 121 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(6), parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_high_pm = [-1, 1] |
Opposite of nb_low, but now as -1,1 integers.
Definition at line 123 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(6), parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_rev = [2, 1] |
Reverse neighbors.
Definition at line 126 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(6), parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_dim = [1, 1] |
Direction (dimension) for a neighbor.
Definition at line 128 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_lowy = 3 |
Lower-y neighbor.
Definition at line 148 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_highy = 4 |
Upper-y neighbor.
Definition at line 150 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_lowz = 5 |
Lower-z neighbor.
Definition at line 196 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_neighb_highz = 6 |
Upper-z neighbor.
Definition at line 198 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_num_edges = 12 |
Number of edgse.
Definition at line 217 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(12), parameter m_af_types::af_edge_dim = [1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3] |
Coordinate parallel to edge.
Definition at line 219 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(3, 12), parameter m_af_types::af_edge_dir = reshape( [0,-1,-1, 0,1,-1, 0,-1,1, 0,1,1, -1,0,-1, 1,0,-1, -1,0,1, 1,0,1, -1,-1,0, 1,-1,0, -1,1,0, 1,1,0], [3, 12]) |
Direction of edge.
Definition at line 222 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(2, 12), parameter m_af_types::af_nb_adj_edge = reshape( [3,5, 4,5, 3,6, 4,6, 1,5, 2,5, 1,6, 2,6, 1,3, 2,3, 1,4, 2,4], [2,12]) |
Neighbors adjacent to edges.
Definition at line 227 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, dimension(3, 12), parameter m_af_types::af_edge_min_ix = reshape( [0,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1, 0,1,1, 0,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0,1, 1,0,1, 0,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 1,1,0], [3,12]) |
Minimum index of edge (1 indicates n_cell + 1)
Definition at line 232 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::af_stencil_none = 0 |
Value indicating the absence of a stencil.
Definition at line 257 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_normal_operator = 1 |
Definition at line 523 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_lsf_operator = 2 |
Definition at line 524 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_eps_operator = 3 |
Definition at line 525 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_auto_operator = 4 |
Definition at line 526 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_normal_box = 0 |
Normal box (no eps/lsf)
Definition at line 528 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_lsf_box = 1 |
Box has level set function.
Definition at line 529 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_veps_box = 2 |
Box has variable coefficient.
Definition at line 530 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_ceps_box = 4 |
Box has constant coefficient /= 1.
Definition at line 531 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_prolong_linear = 17 |
Linear prolongation.
Definition at line 533 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_prolong_sparse = 18 |
Sparse linear prolongation.
Definition at line 534 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_prolong_auto = 19 |
Automatic prolongation.
Definition at line 535 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_lsf_distance_key = 31 |
Stencil key for level set function distance.
Definition at line 538 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_lsf_mask_key = 32 |
Stencil key for level set function mask.
Definition at line 540 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_cycle_down = 1 |
Definition at line 543 of file m_af_types.f90.
integer, parameter m_af_types::mg_cycle_up = 3 |
Definition at line 544 of file m_af_types.f90.