Afivo  0.3
1 !> Module to solve elliptic PDEs on the coarse grid. This module contains an
2 !> interface to Hypre, assuming Hypre is compiled with OpenMP and without MPI
4 #include "../src/cpp_macros.h"
5  use m_af_types
6  use m_af_stencil
8  implicit none
9  private
11  ! Hypre CSR format
12  integer, parameter :: hypre_parcsr = 5555
14  ! Semi-coarsening multigrid (more robust and expensive)
15  integer, parameter, public :: coarse_solver_hypre_smg = 1
17  ! Multigrid with point-wise smoother (fast/cheap)
18  integer, parameter, public :: coarse_solver_hypre_pfmg = 2
20  ! Cyclic reduction solver
21  integer, parameter, public :: coarse_solver_hypre_cycred = 3
23  ! Size of the stencil (only direct neighbors)
24  integer, parameter :: max_stencil_size = 2*ndim + 1
26  ! Offsets for the stencil elements
27 #if NDIM == 1
28  integer, parameter :: stencil_offsets(1, max_stencil_size) = reshape([0, &
29  -1, 1], [1, max_stencil_size])
30 #elif NDIM == 2
31  integer, parameter :: stencil_offsets(2, max_stencil_size) = reshape([0, 0, &
32  -1, 0, 1, 0, &
33  0, -1, 0, 1], [2, max_stencil_size])
34 #elif NDIM == 3
35  integer, parameter :: stencil_offsets(3, max_stencil_size) = reshape([0, 0, 0, &
36  -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, &
37  0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, &
38  0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1], [3, max_stencil_size])
39 #endif
41  ! MPI stubs
42  integer, parameter :: mpi_comm_world = 0
43  integer, parameter :: num_procs = 1
44  integer, parameter :: myid = 0
46  interface
47  subroutine hypre_structmatrixsetboxvalues(matrix, ilower, iupper, nentries, &
48  entries, values, ierr)
49  import
50  type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: matrix
51  integer, intent(in) :: ilower(*), iupper(*)
52  integer, intent(in) :: nentries, entries(*)
53  real(dp), intent(in) :: values(*)
54  integer, intent(out) :: ierr
55  end subroutine hypre_structmatrixsetboxvalues
56  end interface
58  public :: coarse_solver_initialize
59  public :: coarse_solver_destroy
60  public :: coarse_solver_set_rhs_phi
61  public :: coarse_solver_get_phi
62  public :: coarse_solver
63  public :: coarse_solver_update_matrix
65  ! Could be moved to another module at some point
66  public :: mg_lsf_boundary_value
68 contains
70  !> Initialize the coarse grid solver
71  subroutine coarse_solver_initialize(tree, mg)
72  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree !< Tree to do multigrid on
73  type(mg_t), intent(inout) :: mg
74  integer :: nx(ndim), ierr
76  nx = tree%coarse_grid_size(1:ndim)
78  if (.not. tree%ready) error stop "coarse_solver_initialize: tree not ready"
79  if (any(nx == -1)) &
80  error stop "coarse_solver_initialize: coarse_grid_size not set"
82  call hypre_initialize(ierr)
84  ! Construct grid and vectors
85  call hypre_create_grid(mg%csolver%grid, nx, tree%periodic)
86  call hypre_create_vector(mg%csolver%grid, nx, mg%csolver%phi)
87  call hypre_create_vector(mg%csolver%grid, nx, mg%csolver%rhs)
88  call hypre_set_matrix(tree, mg)
90  if (mg%csolver%solver_type <= 0) then
91  if (ndim == 1) then
92  ! PFMG cannot be used in 1D
93  mg%csolver%solver_type = coarse_solver_hypre_cycred
94  else
95  mg%csolver%solver_type = coarse_solver_hypre_pfmg
96  end if
97  end if
99  call hypre_prepare_solve(mg%csolver)
101  end subroutine coarse_solver_initialize
103  !> Set matrix type and store coefficients
104  subroutine hypre_set_matrix(tree, mg)
105  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
106  type(mg_t), intent(inout) :: mg
107  integer :: n, n_boxes, nc, id, IJK
108  integer :: cnt, stencil_size, ierr
109  integer :: ilo(NDIM), ihi(NDIM)
110  real(dp), allocatable :: coeffs(:, :)
111  real(dp) :: full_coeffs(2*NDIM+1, DTIMES(tree%n_cell))
112  integer, allocatable :: stencil_ix(:)
113  integer, parameter :: zero_to_n(max_stencil_size) = [(i, i=0, max_stencil_size-1)]
115  nc = tree%n_cell
116  n_boxes = size(tree%lvls(1)%ids)
118  if (tree%coord_t == af_cyl .or. mg%i_lsf /= -1) then
119  ! The symmetry option does not seem to work well with axisymmetric
120  ! problems. It also doesn't work with a level set function internal
121  ! boundary.
122  mg%csolver%symmetric = 0
123  end if
125  if (mg%csolver%symmetric == 1) then
126  stencil_size = ndim + 1
127  allocate(stencil_ix(stencil_size))
128 #if NDIM == 1
129  stencil_ix = [1, 3]
130 #elif NDIM == 2
131  stencil_ix = [1, 3, 5]
132 #elif NDIM == 3
133  stencil_ix = [1, 3, 5, 7]
134 #endif
135  else
136  stencil_size = 2*ndim + 1
137  allocate(stencil_ix(stencil_size))
138 #if NDIM == 1
139  stencil_ix = [1, 2, 3]
140 #elif NDIM == 2
141  stencil_ix = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
142 #elif NDIM == 3
143  stencil_ix = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
144 #endif
145  end if
147  ! Construct the matrix
148  call hypre_create_matrix(mg%csolver%matrix, mg%csolver%grid, &
149  stencil_size, stencil_offsets(:, stencil_ix), mg%csolver%symmetric)
151  if (.not. allocated(mg%csolver%bc_to_rhs)) then
152  allocate(mg%csolver%bc_to_rhs(nc**(ndim-1), af_num_neighbors, n_boxes))
153  end if
154  if (.not. allocated(mg%csolver%lsf_fac)) then
155  allocate(mg%csolver%lsf_fac(dtimes(nc), n_boxes))
156  end if
157  allocate(coeffs(stencil_size, tree%n_cell**ndim))
159  mg%csolver%bc_to_rhs = 0.0_dp
160  mg%csolver%lsf_fac = 0.0_dp
161  coeffs = 0.0_dp
163  do n = 1, size(tree%lvls(1)%ids)
164  id = tree%lvls(1)%ids(n)
166  associate(box => tree%boxes(id))
167  call af_stencil_get_box(box, mg%operator_key, full_coeffs)
168  call stencil_handle_boundaries(box, mg, full_coeffs, &
169  mg%csolver%bc_to_rhs(:, :, n))
171  ! This assumes that correction factors due to a level set function are
172  ! stored in the stencil%f array
173  i = af_stencil_index(box, mg%operator_key)
174  if (allocated(box%stencils(i)%f)) then
175  mg%csolver%lsf_fac(dtimes(:), n) = box%stencils(i)%f
176  end if
177  end associate
179  cnt = 0
180  do kji_do(1, nc)
181  cnt = cnt + 1
182  coeffs(:, cnt) = full_coeffs(stencil_ix, ijk)
183  end do; close_do
185  ilo = (tree%boxes(id)%ix - 1) * nc + 1
186  ihi = ilo + nc - 1
187  call hypre_structmatrixsetboxvalues(mg%csolver%matrix, ilo, ihi, &
188  stencil_size, zero_to_n(1:stencil_size), coeffs, ierr)
189  if (ierr /= 0) error stop "HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues failed"
190  end do
192  call hypre_structmatrixassemble(mg%csolver%matrix, ierr)
194  end subroutine hypre_set_matrix
196  !> Update matrix coefficients
197  subroutine coarse_solver_update_matrix(tree, mg)
198  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
199  type(mg_t), intent(inout) :: mg
200  integer :: ierr
202  call hypre_structmatrixdestroy(mg%csolver%matrix, ierr)
203  call hypre_set_matrix(tree, mg)
204  call hypre_prepare_solve(mg%csolver)
205  end subroutine coarse_solver_update_matrix
207  !> De-allocate storage for all coarse solver components
208  subroutine coarse_solver_destroy(cs)
209  type(coarse_solve_t), intent(inout) :: cs
210  integer :: ierr
212  call hypre_structgriddestroy(cs%grid, ierr)
213  call hypre_structmatrixdestroy(cs%matrix, ierr)
214  call hypre_structvectordestroy(cs%rhs, ierr)
215  call hypre_structvectordestroy(cs%phi, ierr)
217  call hypre_destroy_solver(cs)
218  call hypre_finalize(ierr)
219  end subroutine coarse_solver_destroy
221  !> De-allocate storage for solver
222  subroutine hypre_destroy_solver(cs)
223  type(coarse_solve_t), intent(inout) :: cs
224  integer :: ierr
226  select case (cs%solver_type)
227  case (coarse_solver_hypre_cycred)
228  call hypre_structcycreddestroy(cs%solver, ierr)
229  case (coarse_solver_hypre_smg)
230  call hypre_structsmgdestroy(cs%solver, ierr)
231  case (coarse_solver_hypre_pfmg)
232  call hypre_structpfmgdestroy(cs%solver, ierr)
233  case default
234  error stop "hypre_solver_destroy: unknown solver type"
235  end select
236  end subroutine hypre_destroy_solver
238  subroutine hypre_create_grid(grid, nx, periodic)
239  type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: grid
240  integer, intent(in) :: nx(NDIM) !< Size of grid
241  logical, intent(in) :: periodic(NDIM) !< Whether the dimension is periodic
242  integer :: ierr, ilo(NDIM)
243  integer :: period(NDIM)
245  ilo(:) = 1
247  ! Create an empty grid object
248  call hypre_structgridcreate(mpi_comm_world, ndim, grid, ierr)
250  ! Add a new box to the grid
251  call hypre_structgridsetextents(grid, ilo, nx, ierr)
253  ! Set periodic
254  where (periodic)
255  period = nx
256  elsewhere
257  period = 0
258  end where
260  call hypre_structgridsetperiodic(grid, period, ierr)
262  ! This is a collective call finalizing the grid assembly. The grid is now
263  ! ``ready to be used''
264  call hypre_structgridassemble(grid, ierr)
265  end subroutine hypre_create_grid
267  !> Create a Hypre vector
268  subroutine hypre_create_vector(grid, nx, vec)
269  type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: grid
270  integer, intent(in) :: nx(:)
271  type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: vec
272  integer :: ierr
274  ! Create an empty vector object */
275  call hypre_structvectorcreate(mpi_comm_world, grid, vec, ierr)
277  ! Indicate that the vector coefficients are ready to be set */
278  call hypre_structvectorinitialize(vec, ierr)
280  ! Finalize the construction of the vector before using
281  call hypre_structvectorassemble(vec, ierr)
282  end subroutine hypre_create_vector
284  !> Set the right-hand side and copy phi from the tree. Also move the boundary
285  !> conditions for phi to the rhs.
286  subroutine coarse_solver_set_rhs_phi(tree, mg)
287  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
288  type(mg_t), intent(in) :: mg
289  integer :: n, nb, nc, id, bc_type, ierr
290  integer :: ilo(ndim), ihi(ndim), ix
291  real(dp) :: tmp(dtimes(tree%n_cell))
292  real(dp) :: bc_val(tree%n_cell**(ndim-1))
294  nc = tree%n_cell
296  do n = 1, size(tree%lvls(1)%ids)
297  id = tree%lvls(1)%ids(n)
299  tmp = tree%boxes(id)%cc(dtimes(1:nc), mg%i_rhs)
301  ! Add contribution of boundary conditions to rhs
302  do nb = 1, af_num_neighbors
303  if (tree%boxes(id)%neighbors(nb) < af_no_box) then
304  ix = tree%boxes(id)%nb_to_bc_index(nb)
305  call mg%sides_bc(tree%boxes(id), nb, mg%i_phi, &
306  tree%boxes(id)%bc_coords(:, :, ix), &
307  bc_val, bc_type)
308  tree%boxes(id)%bc_val(:, mg%i_phi, ix) = bc_val
309  tree%boxes(id)%bc_type(mg%i_phi, ix) = bc_type
311  ! Get index range near neighbor
312  call af_get_index_bc_inside(nb, nc, 1, ilo, ihi)
314  ! Use the stored arrays mg%csolver%bc_to_rhs to convert the value
315  ! at the boundary to the rhs
316  tmp(dslice(ilo, ihi)) = &
317  tmp(dslice(ilo, ihi)) + &
318  reshape(mg%csolver%bc_to_rhs(:, nb, n) * pack(bc_val, .true.), &
319  [ihi - ilo + 1])
320  end if
321  end do
323  ! Add contribution of level-set function to rhs
324  if (mg%i_lsf /= -1) then
325  tmp = tmp + mg%csolver%lsf_fac(dtimes(:), n) * &
326  mg_lsf_boundary_value(tree%boxes(id), mg)
327  end if
329  ilo = (tree%boxes(id)%ix - 1) * nc + 1
330  ihi = ilo + nc - 1
331  call hypre_structvectorsetboxvalues(mg%csolver%rhs, ilo, ihi, &
332  pack(tmp, .true.), ierr)
334  tmp = tree%boxes(id)%cc(dtimes(1:nc), mg%i_phi)
335  call hypre_structvectorsetboxvalues(mg%csolver%phi, ilo, ihi, &
336  pack(tmp, .true.), ierr)
337  end do
338  end subroutine coarse_solver_set_rhs_phi
340  !> Copy solution from coarse solver to the tree
341  subroutine coarse_solver_get_phi(tree, mg)
342  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
343  type(mg_t), intent(in) :: mg
344  integer :: n, nc, id, ierr
345  integer :: ilo(ndim), ihi(ndim)
346  real(dp) :: tmp(tree%n_cell**ndim)
348  nc = tree%n_cell
350  do n = 1, size(tree%lvls(1)%ids)
351  id = tree%lvls(1)%ids(n)
352  ilo = (tree%boxes(id)%ix - 1) * nc + 1
353  ihi = ilo + nc - 1
355  call hypre_structvectorgetboxvalues(mg%csolver%phi, ilo, ihi, tmp, ierr)
356  tree%boxes(id)%cc(dtimes(1:nc), mg%i_phi) = reshape(tmp, [dtimes(nc)])
357  end do
358  end subroutine coarse_solver_get_phi
360  !> Create a symmetric matrix on a grid
361  subroutine hypre_create_matrix(A, grid, stencil_size, offsets, symmetric)
362  type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: A
363  type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: grid
364  integer, intent(in) :: stencil_size
365  integer, intent(in) :: offsets(NDIM, stencil_size)
366  integer, intent(in) :: symmetric
367  type(c_ptr) :: stencil
368  integer :: i, ierr
370  ! Create an empty stencil object (symmetric)
371  call hypre_structstencilcreate(ndim, stencil_size, stencil, ierr)
373  ! Assign stencil entries */
374  do i = 1, stencil_size
375  call hypre_structstencilsetelement(stencil, i-1, offsets(:, i), ierr)
376  end do
378  ! Create an empty matrix object */
379  call hypre_structmatrixcreate(mpi_comm_world, grid, stencil, a, ierr)
381  ! Use symmetric storage? */
382  call hypre_structmatrixsetsymmetric(a, symmetric, ierr)
384  ! Indicate that the matrix coefficients are ready to be set */
385  call hypre_structmatrixinitialize(a, ierr)
387  call hypre_structstencildestroy(stencil, ierr)
389  end subroutine hypre_create_matrix
391  ! Prepare to solve the system. The coefficient data in b and x is ignored
392  ! here, but information about the layout of the data may be used.
393  subroutine hypre_prepare_solve(cs)
394  type(coarse_solve_t), intent(inout) :: cs
395  integer :: ierr
397  select case (cs%solver_type)
398  case (coarse_solver_hypre_cycred)
399  call hypre_structcycredcreate(mpi_comm_world, cs%solver, ierr)
400  call hypre_structcycredsetup(cs%solver, cs%matrix, cs%rhs, cs%phi, ierr)
401  case (coarse_solver_hypre_smg)
402  call hypre_structsmgcreate(mpi_comm_world, cs%solver, ierr)
403  call hypre_structsmgsetmaxiter(cs%solver, cs%max_iterations, ierr)
404  call hypre_structsmgsettol(cs%solver, cs%tolerance, ierr)
405  call hypre_structsmgsetnumprerelax(cs%solver, cs%n_cycle_down, ierr)
406  call hypre_structsmgsetnumpostrelax(cs%solver, cs%n_cycle_up, ierr)
407  call hypre_structsmgsetup(cs%solver, cs%matrix, cs%rhs, cs%phi, ierr)
408  case (coarse_solver_hypre_pfmg)
409  call hypre_structpfmgcreate(mpi_comm_world, cs%solver, ierr)
410  call hypre_structpfmgsetmaxiter(cs%solver, cs%max_iterations, ierr)
411  call hypre_structpfmgsettol(cs%solver, cs%tolerance, ierr)
412  call hypre_structpfmgsetnumprerelax(cs%solver, cs%n_cycle_down, ierr)
413  call hypre_structpfmgsetnumpostrelax(cs%solver, cs%n_cycle_up, ierr)
414  call hypre_structpfmgsetup(cs%solver, cs%matrix, cs%rhs, cs%phi, ierr)
415  case default
416  error stop "hypre_prepare_solve: unknown solver type"
417  end select
418  end subroutine hypre_prepare_solve
420  ! Solve the system A x = b
421  subroutine coarse_solver(cs, num_iterations)
422  type(coarse_solve_t), intent(in) :: cs
423  integer, intent(out) :: num_iterations
424  integer :: ierr
426  select case (cs%solver_type)
427  case (coarse_solver_hypre_cycred)
428  call hypre_structcycredsolve(cs%solver, cs%matrix, cs%rhs, cs%phi, ierr)
429  ! call HYPRE_StructCycRedGetNumIterations(cs%solver, num_iterations, ierr)
430  case (coarse_solver_hypre_smg)
431  call hypre_structsmgsolve(cs%solver, cs%matrix, cs%rhs, cs%phi, ierr)
432  call hypre_structsmggetnumiterations(cs%solver, num_iterations, ierr)
433  case (coarse_solver_hypre_pfmg)
434  call hypre_structpfmgsolve(cs%solver, cs%matrix, cs%rhs, cs%phi, ierr)
435  call hypre_structpfmggetnumiteration(cs%solver, num_iterations, ierr)
436  case default
437  error stop "coarse_solver: unknown solver type"
438  end select
439  end subroutine coarse_solver
441  !> Incorporate boundary conditions into stencil
442  subroutine stencil_handle_boundaries(box, mg, stencil, bc_to_rhs)
443  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box
444  type(mg_t), intent(in) :: mg
445  real(dp), intent(inout) :: stencil(2*NDIM+1, DTIMES(box%n_cell))
446  real(dp), intent(inout) :: bc_to_rhs(box%n_cell**(NDIM-1), af_num_neighbors)
447  integer :: nb, nc, lo(NDIM), hi(NDIM)
448  integer :: nb_id, nb_dim, bc_type
449  real(dp) :: coords(NDIM, box%n_cell**(NDIM-1))
450  real(dp) :: bc_val(box%n_cell**(NDIM-1))
452  bc_to_rhs = 0.0_dp
453  nc = box%n_cell
455  do nb = 1, af_num_neighbors
456  nb_id = box%neighbors(nb)
458  if (nb_id < af_no_box) then
459  nb_dim = af_neighb_dim(nb)
460  call af_get_face_coords(box, nb, coords)
461  call mg%sides_bc(box, nb, mg%i_phi, coords, bc_val, bc_type)
463  ! Determine index range next to boundary
464  call af_get_index_bc_inside(nb, nc, 1, lo, hi)
466  select case (bc_type)
467  case (af_bc_dirichlet)
468  ! Dirichlet value at cell face, so compute gradient over h/2
469  ! E.g. 1 -2 1 becomes 0 -3 1 for a 1D Laplacian
470  ! The boundary condition is incorporated in the right-hand side
471  stencil(1, dslice(lo, hi)) = &
472  stencil(1, dslice(lo, hi)) - &
473  stencil(nb+1, dslice(lo, hi))
474  bc_to_rhs(:, nb) = pack(-2 * stencil(nb+1, dslice(lo, hi)), .true.)
475  stencil(nb+1, dslice(lo, hi)) = 0.0_dp
476  case (af_bc_neumann)
477  ! E.g. 1 -2 1 becomes 0 -1 1 for a 1D Laplacian
478  stencil(1, dslice(lo, hi)) = &
479  stencil(1, dslice(lo, hi)) + &
480  stencil(nb+1, dslice(lo, hi))
481  bc_to_rhs(:, nb) = &
482  -pack(stencil(nb+1, dslice(lo, hi)) * &
483  box%dr(nb_dim), .true.) * af_neighb_high_pm(nb)
484  stencil(nb+1, dslice(lo, hi)) = 0.0_dp
485  case default
486  error stop "mg_box_lpl_stencil: unsupported boundary condition"
487  end select
488  end if
489  end do
491  end subroutine stencil_handle_boundaries
493  !> Compute boundary value for internal boundaries
494  function mg_lsf_boundary_value(box, mg) result(bc)
495  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box
496  type(mg_t), intent(in) :: mg
497  real(dp) :: bc(dtimes(box%n_cell))
498  integer :: ijk, nc
499  real(dp) :: r(ndim)
501  nc = box%n_cell
503  if (associated(mg%lsf_boundary_function)) then
504  do kji_do(1,nc)
505  r = af_r_cc(box, [ijk])
506  bc(ijk) = mg%lsf_boundary_function(r)
507  end do; close_do
508  else
509  bc = mg%lsf_boundary_value
510  end if
511  end function mg_lsf_boundary_value
513 end module m_coarse_solver
This module contains functionality for dealing with numerical stencils.
Definition: m_af_stencil.f90:2
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Definition: m_af_types.f90:3
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Type which stores all the boxes and levels, as well as some information about the number of boxes,...
Definition: m_af_types.f90:326
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Definition: m_af_types.f90:572