Afivo  0.3

A simplified model for ionization waves and/or streamers in 2D

1 !> \example simple_streamer.f90
2 !>
3 !> A simplified model for ionization waves and/or streamers in 2D
4 program simple_streamer
6  use m_af_types
7  use m_af_core
9  use m_af_utils
10  use m_af_restrict
11  use m_af_multigrid
12  use m_af_output
13  use m_write_silo
14  use m_af_prolong
16  implicit none
18  integer :: i, n
19  character(len=100) :: fname
20  type(af_t) :: tree ! This contains the full grid information
21  type(mg_t) :: mg ! Multigrid option struct
22  type(ref_info_t) :: refine_info
24  ! Indices of cell-centered variables
25  integer :: i_elec ! Electron density
26  integer :: i_pion ! Positive ion density
27  integer :: i_elec_old ! For time-stepping scheme
28  integer :: i_pion_old ! For time-stepping scheme
29  integer :: i_phi ! Electrical potential
30  integer :: i_fld ! Electric field norm
31  integer :: i_rhs ! Source term Poisson
33  ! Indices of face-centered variables **
34  integer :: f_elec ! Electron flux
35  integer :: f_fld ! Electric field vector
37  ! Simulation parameters
38  real(dp), parameter :: end_time = 3e-9_dp
39  real(dp), parameter :: dt_output = 20e-11_dp
40  real(dp), parameter :: dt_max = 20e-11_dp
41  integer, parameter :: ref_per_steps = 2
42  integer, parameter :: box_size = 8
44  ! Physical parameters
45  real(dp), parameter :: applied_field = -0.8e7_dp
46  real(dp), parameter :: mobility = 0.03_dp
47  real(dp), parameter :: diffusion_c = 0.2_dp
49  ! Computational domain
50  real(dp), parameter :: domain_length = 2e-3_dp
51  real(dp), parameter :: refine_max_dx = 1e-3_dp
52  real(dp), parameter :: refine_min_dx = 1e-9_dp
54  ! Settings for the initial conditions
55  real(dp), parameter :: init_density = 1e15_dp
56  real(dp), parameter :: init_y_min = 0.8_dp * domain_length
57  real(dp), parameter :: init_y_max = 0.9_dp * domain_length
59  ! Simulation variables
60  real(dp) :: dt
61  real(dp) :: time
62  integer :: output_count
64  ! To test charge conservation
65  real(dp) :: sum_elec, sum_pion
67  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "elec", ix=i_elec, n_copies=2)
68  i_elec_old = af_find_cc_variable(tree, "elec_2")
69  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "pion", ix=i_pion, n_copies=2)
70  i_pion_old = af_find_cc_variable(tree, "pion_2")
71  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "phi", ix=i_phi)
72  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "fld", ix=i_fld)
73  call af_add_cc_variable(tree, "rhs", ix=i_rhs)
75  call af_add_fc_variable(tree, "f_elec", ix=f_elec)
76  call af_add_fc_variable(tree, "f_fld", ix=f_fld)
78  ! Initialize the tree (which contains all the mesh information)
79  call af_init(tree, & ! Tree to initialize
80  box_size, & ! A box contains box_size**DIM cells
81  [domain_length, domain_length], &
82  [box_size, box_size], &
83  periodic=[.true., .false.])
86  ! Set the multigrid options. First define the variables to use
87  mg%i_phi = i_phi
88  mg%i_tmp = i_fld
89  mg%i_rhs = i_rhs
91  ! Routines to use for ...
92  mg%sides_bc => sides_bc_pot ! Filling ghost cell on physical boundaries
94  ! This routine always needs to be called when using multigrid
95  call mg_init(tree, mg)
97  call af_set_cc_methods(tree, i_elec, af_bc_dirichlet_zero, &
98  prolong=af_prolong_limit)
99  call af_set_cc_methods(tree, i_pion, af_bc_dirichlet_zero, &
100  prolong=af_prolong_limit)
101  call af_set_cc_methods(tree, i_fld, af_bc_neumann_zero)
103  output_count = 0 ! Number of output files written
104  time = 0 ! Simulation time (all times are in s)
106  ! Set up the initial conditions
107  do
108  ! For each box in tree, set the initial conditions
109  call af_loop_box(tree, set_initial_condition)
111  ! Compute electric field on the tree.
112  ! First perform multigrid to get electric potential,
113  ! then take numerical gradient to geld field.
114  call compute_fld(tree, .false.)
116  ! Adjust the refinement of a tree using refine_routine (see below) for grid
117  ! refinement.
118  ! Routine af_adjust_refinement sets the bit af_bit_new_children for each box
119  ! that is refined. On input, the tree should be balanced. On output,
120  ! the tree is still balanced, and its refinement is updated (with at most
121  call af_adjust_refinement(tree, & ! tree
122  refinement_routine, & ! Refinement function
123  refine_info) ! Information about refinement
125  ! If no new boxes have been added or removed, exit the loop
126  if (refine_info%n_add == 0 .and. refine_info%n_rm == 0) exit
127  end do
129  call af_print_info(tree)
131  do
132  ! Get a new time step, which is at most dt_max
133  call af_reduction(tree, & ! Tree to do the reduction on
134  max_dt, & ! function
135  get_min, & ! function
136  dt_max, & ! Initial value for the reduction
137  dt) ! Result of the reduction
139  if (dt < 1e-14) then
140  print *, "dt getting too small, instability?", dt
141  time = end_time + 1.0_dp
142  end if
144  ! Every dt_output, write output
145  if (output_count * dt_output <= time) then
146  output_count = output_count + 1
147  write(fname, "(A,I6.6)") "output/simple_streamer_", output_count
149  ! Write the cell centered data of a tree to a Silo file. Only the
150  ! leaves of the tree are used
151  call af_write_silo(tree, fname, output_count, time)
153  call af_tree_sum_cc(tree, i_elec, sum_elec)
154  call af_tree_sum_cc(tree, i_pion, sum_pion)
155  print *, "sum(pion-elec)/sum(pion)", (sum_pion - sum_elec)/sum_pion
156  end if
158  if (time > end_time) exit
160  ! We perform n_steps between mesh-refinements
161  do n = 1, ref_per_steps
162  time = time + dt
164  ! Copy previous solution
165  call af_tree_copy_cc(tree, i_elec, i_elec_old)
166  call af_tree_copy_cc(tree, i_pion, i_pion_old)
168  ! Two forward Euler steps over dt
169  do i = 1, 2
170  ! First calculate fluxes
171  call af_loop_tree(tree, fluxes_koren, leaves_only=.true.)
172  call af_consistent_fluxes(tree, [f_elec])
174  ! Update the solution
175  call af_loop_box_arg(tree, update_solution, [dt], &
176  leaves_only=.true.)
178  ! Compute new field on first iteration
179  if (i == 1) call compute_fld(tree, .true.)
180  end do
182  ! Take average of phi_old and phi (explicit trapezoidal rule)
183  call af_loop_box(tree, average_dens)
185  ! Compute field with new density
186  call compute_fld(tree, .true.)
187  end do
189  ! Fill ghost cells for i_pion and i_elec
190  call af_gc_tree(tree, [i_elec, i_pion])
192  ! Adjust the refinement of a tree using refine_routine (see below) for grid
193  ! refinement.
194  ! Routine af_adjust_refinement sets the bit af_bit_new_children for each box
195  ! that is refined. On input, the tree should be balanced. On output,
196  ! the tree is still balanced, and its refinement is updated (with at most
197  ! one level per call).
198  call af_adjust_refinement(tree, & ! tree
199  refinement_routine, & ! Refinement function
200  refine_info, & ! Information about refinement
201  4) ! Buffer width (in cells)
203  if (refine_info%n_add > 0 .or. refine_info%n_rm > 0) then
204  ! Compute the field on the new mesh
205  call compute_fld(tree, .true.)
206  end if
207  end do
209 contains
211  !> This routine sets the refinement flag for boxes(id)
212  subroutine refinement_routine(box, cell_flags)
213  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box
214  integer, intent(out) :: cell_flags(box%n_cell, box%n_cell)
215  integer :: i, j, nc
216  real(dp) :: dx, dens, fld, adx, xy(2)
218  nc = box%n_cell
219  dx = maxval(box%dr)
221  do j = 1, nc
222  do i = 1, nc
223  xy = af_r_cc(box, [i,j])
224  dens = box%cc(i, j, i_elec)
225  fld = box%cc(i, j, i_fld)
226  adx = get_alpha(fld) * dx
228  if (dens > 1e0_dp .and. adx > 0.8_dp) then
229  cell_flags(i, j) = af_do_ref
230  else if (dx < 1.25e-5_dp .and. adx < 0.1_dp) then
231  cell_flags(i, j) = af_rm_ref
232  else
233  cell_flags(i, j) = af_keep_ref
234  end if
235  end do
236  end do
238  ! Make sure we don't have or get a too fine or too coarse grid
239  if (dx > refine_max_dx) then
240  cell_flags = af_do_ref
241  else if (dx < 2 * refine_min_dx) then
242  where(cell_flags == af_do_ref) cell_flags = af_keep_ref
243  else if (dx > 0.5_dp * refine_max_dx) then
244  where(cell_flags == af_rm_ref) cell_flags = af_keep_ref
245  end if
247  end subroutine refinement_routine
249  !> This routine sets the initial conditions for each box
250  subroutine set_initial_condition(box)
251  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: box
252  integer :: i, j, nc
253  real(dp) :: xy(2), normal_rands(2), vol
255  nc = box%n_cell
257  do j = 0, nc+1
258  do i = 0, nc+1
259  xy = af_r_cc(box, [i,j])
260  vol = (box%dr(1) * box%dr(2))**1.5_dp
262  if (xy(2) > init_y_min .and. xy(2) < init_y_max) then
263  ! Approximate Poisson distribution with normal distribution
264  normal_rands = two_normals(vol * init_density, &
265  sqrt(vol * init_density))
266  ! Prevent negative numbers
267  box%cc(i, j, i_elec) = abs(normal_rands(1)) / vol
268  else
269  box%cc(i, j, i_elec) = 0
270  end if
271  end do
272  end do
274  box%cc(:, :, i_pion) = box%cc(:, :, i_elec)
275  box%cc(:, :, i_phi) = 0 ! Inital potential set to zero
277  end subroutine set_initial_condition
279  !> Return two normal random variates
280  !>
281  function two_normals(mean, sigma) result(rands)
282  real(dp), intent(in) :: mean, sigma
283  real(dp) :: rands(2), sum_sq
285  do
286  call random_number(rands)
287  rands = 2 * rands - 1
288  sum_sq = sum(rands**2)
289  if (sum_sq < 1.0_dp .and. sum_sq > 0.0_dp) exit
290  end do
291  rands = rands * sqrt(-2 * log(sum_sq) / sum_sq)
292  rands = mean + rands * sigma
293  end function two_normals
295  !> This function computes the minimum val of a and b
296  real(dp) function get_min(a, b)
297  real(dp), intent(in) :: a, b
298  get_min = min(a, b)
299  end function get_min
301  !> Get maximum time step based on e.g. CFL criteria
302  real(dp) function max_dt(box)
303  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box
304  real(dp), parameter :: UC_eps0 = 8.8541878176d-12
305  real(dp), parameter :: UC_elem_charge = 1.6022d-19
306  integer :: i, j, nc
307  real(dp) :: fld(2)
308  real(dp) :: dt_cfl, dt_dif, dt_drt
310  nc = box%n_cell
311  dt_cfl = dt_max
313  do j = 1, nc
314  do i = 1, nc
315  fld(1) = 0.5_dp * (box%fc(i, j, 1, f_fld) + &
316  box%fc(i+1, j, 1, f_fld))
317  fld(2) = 0.5_dp * (box%fc(i, j, 2, f_fld) + &
318  box%fc(i, j+1, 2, f_fld))
320  ! The 0.5 is here because of the explicit trapezoidal rule
321  dt_cfl = min(dt_cfl, 0.5_dp / sum(abs(fld * mobility) / box%dr))
322  end do
323  end do
325  ! Dielectric relaxation time
326  dt_drt = uc_eps0 / (uc_elem_charge * mobility * &
327  maxval(box%cc(1:nc, 1:nc, i_elec)) + epsilon(1.0_dp))
329  ! Diffusion condition
330  dt_dif = 0.25_dp * minval(box%dr)**2 / max(diffusion_c, epsilon(1.0_dp))
332  max_dt = min(dt_cfl, dt_drt, dt_dif)
333  end function max_dt
336  !> This function gets the alpha value
337  !>
338  !> Taken from: Spatially hybrid computations for streamer discharges: II. Fully
339  !> 3D simulations, Chao Li, Ute Ebert, Willem Hundsdorfer, J. Comput. Phys.
340  !> 231, 1020-1050 (2012), doi:10.1016/
341  elemental function get_alpha(fld) result(alpha)
342  real(dp), intent(in) :: fld
343  real(dp) :: alpha
344  real(dp), parameter :: c0 = 1.04e1_dp
345  real(dp), parameter :: c1 = 0.601_dp
346  real(dp), parameter :: c2 = 1.86e7_dp
348  alpha = exp(c0) * (abs(fld) * 1e-5_dp)**c1 * exp(-c2 / abs(fld))
349  end function get_alpha
351  ! Compute electric field on the tree. First perform multigrid to get electric
352  ! potential, then take numerical gradient to geld field.
353  subroutine compute_fld(tree, have_guess)
354  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
355  logical, intent(in) :: have_guess
356  real(dp), parameter :: fac = 1.6021766208e-19_dp / 8.8541878176e-12_dp
357  integer :: lvl, i, id, nc
359  nc = tree%n_cell
361  ! Set the source term (rhs)
362  !$omp parallel private(lvl, i, id)
363  do lvl = 1, tree%highest_lvl
364  !$omp do
365  do i = 1, size(tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves)
366  id = tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves(i)
367  tree%boxes(id)%cc(:, :, i_rhs) = fac * (&
368  tree%boxes(id)%cc(:, :, i_elec) - &
369  tree%boxes(id)%cc(:, :, i_pion))
370  end do
371  !$omp end do nowait
372  end do
373  !$omp end parallel
375  ! Perform an FMG cycle (logicals: store residual, first call)
376  call mg_fas_fmg(tree, mg, .false., have_guess)
378  ! Compute field from potential
379  call af_loop_box(tree, fld_from_pot)
381  ! Set the field norm also in ghost cells
382  call af_gc_tree(tree, [i_fld])
383  end subroutine compute_fld
385  ! Compute electric field from electrical potential
386  subroutine fld_from_pot(box)
387  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: box
388  integer :: nc
389  real(dp) :: inv_dr(2)
391  nc = box%n_cell
392  inv_dr = 1 / box%dr
394  box%fc(1:nc+1, 1:nc, 1, f_fld) = inv_dr(1) * &
395  (box%cc(0:nc, 1:nc, i_phi) - box%cc(1:nc+1, 1:nc, i_phi))
396  box%fc(1:nc, 1:nc+1, 2, f_fld) = inv_dr(2) * &
397  (box%cc(1:nc, 0:nc, i_phi) - box%cc(1:nc, 1:nc+1, i_phi))
399  box%cc(1:nc, 1:nc, i_fld) = sqrt(&
400  0.25_dp * (box%fc(1:nc, 1:nc, 1, f_fld) + &
401  box%fc(2:nc+1, 1:nc, 1, f_fld))**2 + &
402  0.25_dp * (box%fc(1:nc, 1:nc, 2, f_fld) + &
403  box%fc(1:nc, 2:nc+1, 2, f_fld))**2)
404  end subroutine fld_from_pot
406  ! Compute the electron fluxes due to drift and diffusion
407  subroutine fluxes_koren(tree, id)
409  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
410  integer, intent(in) :: id
411  real(dp) :: inv_dr(2)
412  real(dp) :: cc(-1:tree%n_cell+2, -1:tree%n_cell+2, 1)
413  real(dp), allocatable :: v(:, :, :), dc(:, :, :)
414  integer :: nc
416  nc = tree%n_cell
417  inv_dr = 1/tree%boxes(id)%dr
419  allocate(v(1:nc+1, 1:nc+1, 2))
420  allocate(dc(1:nc+1, 1:nc+1, 2))
422  call af_gc2_box(tree, id, [i_elec], cc)
424  v = -mobility * tree%boxes(id)%fc(:, :, :, f_fld)
425  dc = diffusion_c
427  call flux_koren_2d(cc(:, :, 1), v, nc, 2)
428  call flux_diff_2d(cc(:, :, 1), dc, inv_dr, nc, 2)
430  tree%boxes(id)%fc(:, :, :, f_elec) = v + dc
431  end subroutine fluxes_koren
433  ! Take average of new and old electron/ion density for explicit trapezoidal rule
434  subroutine average_dens(box)
435  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: box
436  box%cc(:, :, i_elec) = 0.5_dp * (box%cc(:, :, i_elec) + box%cc(:, :, i_elec_old))
437  box%cc(:, :, i_pion) = 0.5_dp * (box%cc(:, :, i_pion) + box%cc(:, :, i_pion_old))
438  end subroutine average_dens
440  ! Advance solution over dt based on the fluxes / source term, using forward Euler
441  subroutine update_solution(box, dt)
442  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: box
443  real(dp), intent(in) :: dt(:)
444  real(dp) :: inv_dr(2), src, sflux, fld
445  real(dp) :: alpha
446  integer :: i, j, nc
448  nc = box%n_cell
449  inv_dr = 1/box%dr
451  do j = 1, nc
452  do i = 1, nc
453  fld = box%cc(i,j, i_fld)
454  alpha = get_alpha(fld)
455  src = box%cc(i, j, i_elec) * mobility * abs(fld) * alpha
457  sflux = inv_dr(1) * (box%fc(i, j, 1, f_elec) - &
458  box%fc(i+1, j, 1, f_elec)) + &
459  inv_dr(2) * (box%fc(i, j, 2, f_elec) - &
460  box%fc(i, j+1, 2, f_elec))
462  box%cc(i, j, i_elec) = box%cc(i, j, i_elec) + (src + sflux) * dt(1)
463  box%cc(i, j, i_pion) = box%cc(i, j, i_pion) + src * dt(1)
464  end do
465  end do
467  end subroutine update_solution
469  !> This fills ghost cells near physical boundaries for the potential
470  subroutine sides_bc_pot(box, nb, iv, coords, bc_val, bc_type)
471  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box
472  integer, intent(in) :: nb
473  integer, intent(in) :: iv
474  real(dp), intent(in) :: coords(NDIM, box%n_cell**(NDIM-1))
475  real(dp), intent(out) :: bc_val(box%n_cell**(NDIM-1))
476  integer, intent(out) :: bc_type
478  select case (nb)
479  case (af_neighb_lowy)
480  bc_type = af_bc_neumann
481  bc_val = applied_field
482  case (af_neighb_highy)
483  bc_type = af_bc_dirichlet
484  bc_val = 0.0_dp
485  case default
486  stop "sides_bc_pot: unspecified boundary"
487  end select
488  end subroutine sides_bc_pot
490 end program simple_streamer
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