Afivo  0.3
1 !> This module contains routines for restriction: going from fine to coarse
2 !> variables.
4 #include "cpp_macros.h"
5  use m_af_types
7  implicit none
8  private
10  public :: af_restrict_to_box
11  public :: af_restrict_to_boxes
12  public :: af_restrict_tree
13  public :: af_restrict_box
14  public :: af_restrict_ref_boundary
15  ! public :: af_restrict_box_face
17 contains
19  !> Restrict the children of a box to the box (e.g., in 2D, average the values
20  !> at the four children to get the value for the parent)
21  subroutine af_restrict_to_box(boxes, id, ivs)
22  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: boxes(:) !< List of all the boxes
23  integer, intent(in) :: id !< Box whose children will be restricted to it
24  integer, intent(in) :: ivs(:) !< Variable to restrict
25  integer :: nc, i_c, c_id
27  nc = boxes(id)%n_cell
28  do i_c = 1, af_num_children
29  c_id = boxes(id)%children(i_c)
30  if (c_id == af_no_box) cycle
31  call af_restrict_box(boxes(c_id), boxes(id), ivs)
32  end do
33  end subroutine af_restrict_to_box
35  !> Restrict the children of boxes ids(:) to them.
36  subroutine af_restrict_to_boxes(boxes, ids, ivs)
37  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: boxes(:) !< List of all the boxes
38  integer, intent(in) :: ids(:) !< Boxes whose children will be restricted to it
39  integer, intent(in) :: ivs(:) !< Variables to restrict
40  integer :: i
42  !$omp parallel do
43  do i = 1, size(ids)
44  call af_restrict_to_box(boxes, ids(i), ivs)
45  end do
46  !$omp end parallel do
47  end subroutine af_restrict_to_boxes
49  !> Restrict variables iv to all parent boxes, from the highest to the lowest level
50  subroutine af_restrict_tree(tree, ivs)
51  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree !< Tree to restrict on
52  integer, intent(in) :: ivs(:) !< Variables to restrict
53  integer :: lvl
55  if (.not. tree%ready) stop "Tree not ready"
56  do lvl = tree%highest_lvl-1, 1, -1
57  call af_restrict_to_boxes(tree%boxes, tree%lvls(lvl)%parents, ivs)
58  end do
59  end subroutine af_restrict_tree
61  !> Restriction of child box (box_c) to its parent (box_p)
62  subroutine af_restrict_box(box_c, box_p, ivs, use_geometry)
63  type(box_t), intent(in) :: box_c !< Child box to restrict
64  type(box_t), intent(inout) :: box_p !< Parent box to restrict to
65  integer, intent(in) :: ivs(:) !< Variable to restrict
66  logical, intent(in), optional :: use_geometry !< If set to false, don't use geometry
67  integer :: ijk, ijk_(c), ijk_(f), n, iv
68  integer :: hnc, ix_offset(ndim)
69  logical :: use_geom
70 #if NDIM == 2
71  real(dp) :: w1, w2
72 #endif
74  hnc = ishft(box_c%n_cell, -1) ! n_cell / 2
75  ix_offset = af_get_child_offset(box_c)
77  if (present(use_geometry)) then
78  use_geom = use_geometry
79  else
80  use_geom = .true.
81  end if
83  do n = 1, size(ivs)
84  iv = ivs(n)
85 #if NDIM == 1
86  do i = 1, hnc
87  i_c = ix_offset(1) + i
88  i_f = 2 * i - 1
89  box_p%cc(i_c, iv) = 0.5_dp * &
90  sum(box_c%cc(i_f:i_f+1, iv))
91  end do
92 #elif NDIM == 2
93  if (box_p%coord_t == af_cyl .and. use_geom) then
94  do j = 1, hnc
95  j_c = ix_offset(2) + j
96  j_f = 2 * j - 1
97  do i = 1, hnc
98  i_c = ix_offset(1) + i
99  i_f = 2 * i - 1
101  call af_cyl_child_weights(box_p, i_c, w1, w2)
102  box_p%cc(i_c, j_c, iv) = 0.25_dp * (&
103  w1 * sum(box_c%cc(i_f, j_f:j_f+1, iv)) + &
104  w2 * sum(box_c%cc(i_f+1, j_f:j_f+1, iv)))
105  end do
106  end do
107  else
108  do j = 1, hnc
109  j_c = ix_offset(2) + j
110  j_f = 2 * j - 1
111  do i = 1, hnc
112  i_c = ix_offset(1) + i
113  i_f = 2 * i - 1
114  box_p%cc(i_c, j_c, iv) = 0.25_dp * &
115  sum(box_c%cc(i_f:i_f+1, j_f:j_f+1, iv))
116  end do
117  end do
118  endif
119 #elif NDIM == 3
120  do k = 1, hnc
121  k_c = ix_offset(3) + k
122  k_f = 2 * k - 1
123  do j = 1, hnc
124  j_c = ix_offset(2) + j
125  j_f = 2 * j - 1
126  do i = 1, hnc
127  i_c = ix_offset(1) + i
128  i_f = 2 * i - 1
129  box_p%cc(i_c, j_c, k_c, iv) = 0.125_dp * &
130  sum(box_c%cc(i_f:i_f+1, j_f:j_f+1, k_f:k_f+1, iv))
131  end do
132  end do
133  end do
134 #endif
135  end do
136  end subroutine af_restrict_box
138  !> Restrict only next to refinement boundaries, which which can be required
139  !> for filling coarse-grid ghost cells
140  subroutine af_restrict_ref_boundary(tree, ivs)
141  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
142  integer, intent(in) :: ivs(:)
143  integer :: lvl, i, id, p_id
145  !$omp parallel private(lvl, i, id, p_id)
146  do lvl = 1, tree%highest_lvl
147  !$omp do
148  do i = 1, size(tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves)
149  id = tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves(i)
150  p_id = tree%boxes(id)%parent
152  ! Only restrict near refinement boundaries
153  if (p_id > af_no_box .and. &
154  any(tree%boxes(id)%neighbors == af_no_box)) then
155  call af_restrict_box(tree%boxes(id), tree%boxes(p_id), ivs)
156  end if
157  end do
158  !$omp end do
159  end do
160  !$omp end parallel
161  end subroutine af_restrict_ref_boundary
163 ! !> Restriction of face-centered variables from child to parent
164 ! subroutine af_restrict_box_face(box_c, box_p, ivf, ivf_to)
165 ! type(box_t), intent(in) :: box_c !< Child box to restrict
166 ! type(box_t), intent(inout) :: box_p !< Parent box to restrict to
167 ! integer, intent(in) :: ivf !< Face-variable to restrict
168 ! integer, intent(in), optional :: ivf_to !< Destination (if /= ivf)
169 ! integer :: i, j, i_f, j_f, i_c, j_c, i_dest
170 ! integer :: hnc, ix_offset(NDIM)
171 ! #if NDIM == 3
172 ! integer :: k, k_f, k_c
173 ! #endif
175 ! hnc = ishft(box_c%n_cell, -1) ! n_cell / 2
176 ! ix_offset = af_get_child_offset(box_c)
178 ! if (present(ivf_to)) then
179 ! i_dest = ivf_to
180 ! else
181 ! i_dest = ivf
182 ! end if
184 ! if (box_p%coord_t == af_cyl) &
185 ! stop "restrict_box_face not implemented for cylindrical case"
187 ! #if NDIM == 2
188 ! do j = 1, hnc
189 ! j_c = ix_offset(2) + j
190 ! j_f = 2 * j - 1
191 ! do i = 1, hnc
192 ! i_c = ix_offset(1) + i
193 ! i_f = 2 * i - 1
195 ! box_p%fc(i_c, j_c, 1, i_dest) = 0.5_dp * &
196 ! sum(box_c%fc(i_f, j_f:j_f+1, 1, ivf))
197 ! if (i == hnc) then
198 ! box_p%fc(i_c+1, j_c, 1, i_dest) = 0.5_dp * &
199 ! sum(box_c%fc(i_f+2, j_f:j_f+1, 1, ivf))
200 ! end if
202 ! box_p%fc(i_c, j_c, 2, i_dest) = 0.5_dp * &
203 ! sum(box_c%fc(i_f:i_f+1, j_f, 2, ivf))
204 ! if (j == hnc) then
205 ! box_p%fc(i_c, j_c+1, 2, i_dest) = 0.5_dp * &
206 ! sum(box_c%fc(i_f:i_f+1, j_f+2, 2, ivf))
207 ! end if
209 ! end do
210 ! end do
211 ! #elif NDIM == 3
212 ! if (box_p%coord_t == af_cyl) &
213 ! stop "restrict_box_face not implemented for 3D case"
214 ! #endif
215 ! end subroutine af_restrict_box_face
217 end module m_af_restrict
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