afivo-streamer  1.1
1D/2D/3D streamer simulations with AMR


  • A UNIX-like operating system such as GNU/Linux
  • A recent Fortran compiler such as gfortran 11, which supports Fortran 2008
  • A recent C compiler such as gcc to compile the Silo library
  • git to download and update the source code


Run the following command in a folder to clone the repository:

git clone

Then you can go into the folder and compile the code:

cd afivo-streamer

Afterwards, you can run some of the example, see Examples.

Updating to the latest version

If you want to update your previously downloaded code, go into your afivo-streamer folder and pull the new version:

git pull

Afterwards, you can recompile the code by typing


either in the afivo-streamer folder, or in a specific program folder with a Makefile.

Compilation flags and recompilation

A number of flags can be set to help with debugging or performance testing. To apply these, first remove all previously compiled files:

make allclean

This is also useful when upgrading e.g. the compiler on your system. Afterwards, a number of flags can be applied, most importantly:

  • make DEBUG=1 leads to a much slower executable that does all kinds of error checking (array bounds, division by zero etc.)
  • make PROF=gprof compile with -pg support for gprof
  • make PROF=gperftools link with libprofiler to enable gperftools, see
  • make COMPILER=ifort to use the ifort compiler

Afterwards, perform make allclean again to revert to the standard compilation settings.

List of issues and solutions

Installation 'Error 2':

  • Simply typing make to compile the code in Fedora systems (30 and above) gives an error. A closer inspection indicates that the g77 compiler is missing. This is because the makefile is unable to find the gcc, gfortran and g++ compilers. This can be overcome by typing the following in the terminal:
    • export CC=/usr/bin/gcc
    • export CXX=/usr/bin/g++
    • export FORT=/usr/bin/gfortran
  • Attention: The above locations /usr/bin is the default installation location for the GNU compilers. If you have them installed in a different directory (in case you have multiple versions of compilers), then make sure you use that particular location (instead of /usr/bin).

Problems compiling Silo

  • The script can be executed manually from the ‘afivo/external_libraries’ folder for easier debugging.
  • Make sure the default C, C++ and Fortran compiler are configured correctly. For example, use ‘export FC=/usr/bin/gfortran’ in your shell to specify the Fortran compiler.
  • /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsz. Solution (on Fedora) sudo dnf install libaec-devel

The above solution gives a new error (encountered by some users using Fedora 30)

  • Add the following lines to just before the #Configure comment: export CC=/usr/bin/gcc export CXX=/usr/bin/g++ export FC=/usr/bin/gfortran