Afivo  0.3
1 !> Module with methods to perform time integration
3 #include "cpp_macros.h"
4  use m_af_types
6  implicit none
7  private
9  integer, parameter, public :: af_num_integrators = 8
11  !< [time_integration_schemes]
12  !> Forward Euler method
13  integer, parameter, public :: af_forward_euler = 1
14  !> Heun's method (AKA modified Euler's method, explicit trapezoidal rule), CFL
15  !> coefficient of 1. See e.g.
16  integer, parameter, public :: af_heuns_method = 2
17  !> Midpoint method, see e.g.
18  integer, parameter, public :: af_midpoint_method = 3
19  !> Optimal 3-stage third-order SSPRK method (Shu & Osher), CFL coefficient of
20  !> 1, see e.g.
21  integer, parameter, public :: af_ssprk33_method = 4
22  !> Optimal 4-stage third-order SSPRK method (Ruuth & Spiteri), CFL coefficient
23  !> of 2, see e.g.
24  integer, parameter, public :: af_ssprk43_method = 5
25  !> 1st order IMEX method, forward Euler and then implicit solve
26  integer, parameter, public :: af_imex_euler = 6
27  !> Trapezoidal IMEX method (2nd order)
28  integer, parameter, public :: af_imex_trapezoidal = 7
29  !> Classic 4th order Runge Kutta method, see e.g.
30  !>
31  integer, parameter, public :: af_rk4_method = 8
32  !< [time_integration_schemes]
34  character(len=af_nlen), public :: af_integrator_names(af_num_integrators) = &
35  [character(len=af_nlen) :: "forward_euler", "heuns_method", &
36  "midpoint_method", "ssprk33", "ssprk43", "imex_euler", &
37  "imex_trapezoidal", "rk4"]
39  !> How many steps the time integrators take
40  integer, parameter, public :: &
41  af_advance_num_steps(af_num_integrators) = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4]
43  !> How many variable copies are required for the time integrators
44  integer, parameter :: req_copies(af_num_integrators) = af_advance_num_steps
46  !> Whether an implicit solver is required for the scheme
47  logical, parameter :: req_implicit(af_num_integrators) = &
48  [.false., .false., .false., .false., .false., .true., .true., .false.]
50  interface
51  !> Interface for a generic forward Euler scheme for time integration
52  !>
53  !> This method should advance the solution over a time dt. The method
54  !> assumes that several copies are stored for the variables to be
55  !> integrated. It should then operate on these different copies, which
56  !> correspond to temporal states. In this way, higher-order time
57  !> integration schemes can be constructed.
58  !>
59  !> The meaning of the temporal states is as follows. For an equation y' =
60  !> f(y), the method should perform:
61  !> y_out = sum(w_prev * y_prev) + dt * f(y_deriv).
62  !>
63  !> If the index of the variable `y` is `i`, then the index of `y_out` is
64  !> `i+s_out`, etc.
65  !>
66  !> In case of IMEX schemes, the time step dt_stiff (which is then not
67  !> always equal to dt) should be used for stiff terms. The equation to be
68  !> solved should be interpreted as:
69  !>
70  !> d/dt y = F0(y) + F1(y)
71  !>
72  !> where F0 is the non-stiff part and F1 is the stiff part
73  subroutine subr_feuler(tree, dt, dt_stiff, dt_lim, time, s_deriv, n_prev, &
74  s_prev, w_prev, s_out, i_step, n_steps)
75  import
76  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
77  real(dp), intent(in) :: dt !< Time step for regular terms
78  real(dp), intent(in) :: dt_stiff !< Time step for stiff terms (IMEX)
79  real(dp), intent(inout) :: dt_lim !< Computed time step limit
80  real(dp), intent(in) :: time !< Current time
81  integer, intent(in) :: s_deriv !< State to compute derivatives from
82  integer, intent(in) :: n_prev !< Number of previous states
83  integer, intent(in) :: s_prev(n_prev) !< Previous states
84  real(dp), intent(in) :: w_prev(n_prev) !< Weights of previous states
85  integer, intent(in) :: s_out !< Output state
86  integer, intent(in) :: i_step !< Step of the integrator
87  integer, intent(in) :: n_steps !< Total number of steps
88  end subroutine subr_feuler
90  !> Interface for a implicit solver for integrating stiff terms over time
91  !>
92  !> This method should solve an equation of the form
93  !>
94  !> F(y_out, dt_stiff) = sum(w_prev * y_prev),
95  !>
96  !> where dt_stiff is the time step.
97  subroutine subr_implicit(tree, dt_stiff, time, n_prev, s_prev, w_prev, s_out)
98  import
99  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
100  real(dp), intent(in) :: dt_stiff !< Time step for stiff terms
101  real(dp), intent(in) :: time !< Current time
102  integer, intent(in) :: n_prev !< Number of previous states
103  integer, intent(in) :: s_prev(n_prev) !< Previous states
104  real(dp), intent(in) :: w_prev(n_prev) !< Weights of previous states
105  integer, intent(in) :: s_out !< Output state
106  end subroutine subr_implicit
107  end interface
109  public :: af_advance
111 contains
113  !> Advance solution over dt using time_integrator
114  !>
115  !> The user should supply a forward Euler method as documented in subr_feuler.
116  !> The indices of the cell-centered variables that will be operated on should
117  !> also be provided, so that higher-order schemes can be constructed
118  !> automatically from the forward Euler method.
119  !>
120  !> @todo check whether time in sub-steps is accurate with some test
121  subroutine af_advance(tree, dt, dt_lim, time, i_cc, time_integrator, &
122  forward_euler, implicit_solver)
123  type(af_t), intent(inout) :: tree
124  real(dp), intent(in) :: dt !< Current time step
125  real(dp), intent(out) :: dt_lim !< Time step limit
126  real(dp), intent(inout) :: time !< Current time
127  integer, intent(in) :: i_cc(:) !< Index of cell-centered variables
128  !> One of the pre-defined time integrators (e.g. af_heuns_method)
129  integer, intent(in) :: time_integrator
130  !> Forward Euler method provided by the user
131  procedure(subr_feuler) :: forward_euler
132  !> Implicit solver to be used with IMEX schemes
133  procedure(subr_implicit), optional :: implicit_solver
134  integer :: n_steps
136  real(dp), parameter :: third = 1/3.0_dp
137  real(dp), parameter :: sixth = 1/6.0_dp
139  if (time_integrator < 1 .or. time_integrator > af_num_integrators) &
140  error stop "Invalid time integrator"
142  if (any(tree%cc_num_copies(i_cc) < req_copies(time_integrator))) &
143  error stop "Not enough copies available"
145  if (req_implicit(time_integrator) .and. .not. present(implicit_solver)) &
146  error stop "implicit_solver required"
148  n_steps = af_advance_num_steps(time_integrator)
149  dt_lim = 1e100_dp
151  select case (time_integrator)
152  case (af_forward_euler)
153  call forward_euler(tree, dt, dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
154  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 0, 1, n_steps)
155  case (af_midpoint_method)
156  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
157  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 1, 1, n_steps)
158  call forward_euler(tree, dt, dt, dt_lim, time+0.5_dp*dt, 1, &
159  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 0, 2, n_steps)
160  case (af_heuns_method)
161  call forward_euler(tree, dt, dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
162  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 1, 1, n_steps)
163  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time+dt, 1, &
164  2, [0, 1], [0.5_dp, 0.5_dp], 0, 2, n_steps)
165  case (af_ssprk33_method)
166  call forward_euler(tree, dt, dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
167  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 1, 1, n_steps)
168  call forward_euler(tree, 0.25_dp*dt, 0.25_dp*dt, dt_lim, time+dt, 1, &
169  2, [0, 1], [0.75_dp, 0.25_dp], 2, 2, n_steps)
170  call forward_euler(tree, 2*third*dt, 2*third*dt, dt_lim, time+0.5_dp*dt, 2, &
171  2, [0, 2], [third, 2*third], 0, 3, n_steps)
172  case (af_ssprk43_method)
173  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
174  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 1, 1, n_steps)
175  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time+0.5_dp*dt, 1, &
176  1, [1], [1.0_dp], 2, 2, n_steps)
177  call forward_euler(tree, sixth*dt, sixth*dt, dt_lim, time+dt, 2, &
178  2, [0, 2], [2*third, third], 3, 3, n_steps)
179  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time+0.5_dp*dt, 3, &
180  1, [3], [1.0_dp], 0, 4, n_steps)
181  case (af_imex_euler)
182  call forward_euler(tree, dt, 0*dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
183  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 0, 1, n_steps)
184  call implicit_solver(tree, dt, time, 1, [0], [1.0_dp], 0)
185  case (af_imex_trapezoidal)
186  ! Compute y* = y_n + dt*F0(y_n) + 0.5*dt * (F1(y_n) + F1(y*))
187  call forward_euler(tree, dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
188  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 1, 1, n_steps)
189  call implicit_solver(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, time, 1, [1], [1.0_dp], 1)
191  ! Compute y_n+1 = y_n + 0.5*dt * (F(y_n) + F(y*))
192  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
193  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 0, 1, n_steps)
194  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time, 1, &
195  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 0, 2, n_steps)
196  case (af_rk4_method)
197  ! This looks different than the standard formulation in most textbooks.
198  ! The idea is to construct the states needed for the derivatives, and
199  ! then take a linear combination. Note the negative coefficient used in
200  ! the last step.
201  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time, 0, &
202  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 1, 1, n_steps)
203  call forward_euler(tree, 0.5_dp*dt, 0.5_dp*dt, dt_lim, time+0.5_dp*dt, 1, &
204  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 2, 2, n_steps)
205  call forward_euler(tree, dt, dt, dt_lim, time+0.5_dp*dt, 2, &
206  1, [0], [1.0_dp], 3, 3, n_steps)
207  call forward_euler(tree, sixth*dt, sixth*dt, dt_lim, time+dt, 3, &
208  4, [0, 1, 2, 3], [-third, third, 2*third, third], 0, 4, n_steps)
209  case default
210  error stop "Unknown time integrator"
211  end select
213  time = time + dt
214  end subroutine af_advance
216 end module m_af_advance
Interface for a generic forward Euler scheme for time integration.
Interface for a implicit solver for integrating stiff terms over time.
Module with methods to perform time integration.
Definition: m_af_advance.f90:2
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Definition: m_af_types.f90:326