Afivo 0.3
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1!> Module containing slope limiters
3#include "cpp_macros.h"
4 use m_af_types
6 implicit none
7 private
9 !> Number of limiters
10 integer, parameter :: af_num_limiters = 7
12 ! Constants to identify limiters
13 integer, parameter, public :: af_limiter_none_t = 1
14 !> van Leer limiter
15 integer, parameter, public :: af_limiter_vanleer_t = 2
16 !> Koren limiter
17 integer, parameter, public :: af_limiter_koren_t = 3
18 !> Minmod limiter
19 integer, parameter, public :: af_limiter_minmod_t = 4
20 !> MC limiter
21 integer, parameter, public :: af_limiter_mc_t = 5
22 !> Generalized minmod limiter with theta = 4/3
23 integer, parameter, public :: af_limiter_gminmod43_t = 6
24 !> All slopes are zero
25 integer, parameter, public :: af_limiter_zero_t = 7
27 !> Whether limiters are symmetric
28 logical, parameter, public :: af_limiter_symmetric(af_num_limiters) = &
29 [.true., .true., .false., .true., .true., .true., .true.]
31 public :: af_limiter_apply
32 public :: af_limiter_koren
33 public :: af_limiter_vanleer
34 public :: af_limiter_minmod
35 public :: af_limiter_gminmod43
36 public :: af_limiter_mc
40 !> Apply one of the limiters
41 elemental function af_limiter_apply(a, b, limiter) result(slope)
42 real(dp), intent(in) :: a !< Slopes from one side
43 real(dp), intent(in) :: b !< Slopes from other side
44 integer, intent(in) :: limiter !< Which limiter to use
45 real(dp) :: slope !< Limited slope
47 select case (limiter)
48 case (af_limiter_none_t)
49 slope = 0.5_dp * (a + b)
50 case (af_limiter_vanleer_t)
51 slope = af_limiter_vanleer(a, b)
52 case (af_limiter_koren_t)
53 slope = af_limiter_koren(a, b)
54 case (af_limiter_minmod_t)
55 slope = af_limiter_minmod(a, b)
56 case (af_limiter_mc_t)
57 slope = af_limiter_mc(a, b)
58 case (af_limiter_gminmod43_t)
59 slope = af_limiter_gminmod43(a, b)
60 case (af_limiter_zero_t)
61 slope = 0.0_dp
62 case default
63 ! Cannot (yet) stop in elemental function, so use default limiter
64 slope = af_limiter_vanleer(a, b)
65 end select
66 end function af_limiter_apply
68 !> Modified implementation of Koren limiter, to avoid division and the min/max
69 !> functions, which can be problematic / expensive. In most literature, you
70 !> have r = a / b (ratio of gradients). Then the limiter phi(r) is multiplied
71 !> with b. With this implementation, you get phi(r) * b
72 elemental function af_limiter_koren(a, b) result(bphi)
73 real(dp), intent(in) :: a !< Density gradient (numerator)
74 real(dp), intent(in) :: b !< Density gradient (denominator)
75 real(dp), parameter :: third = 1/3.0_dp
76 real(dp) :: bphi, aa, ab
78 aa = a * a
79 ab = a * b
81 if (ab <= 0) then
82 ! a and b have different sign or one of them is zero, so r is either 0,
83 ! inf or negative (special case a == b == 0 is ignored)
84 bphi = 0
85 else if (aa <= 0.25_dp * ab) then
86 ! 0 < a/b <= 1/4, limiter has value 2*a/b
87 bphi = 2*a
88 else if (aa <= 2.5_dp * ab) then
89 ! 1/4 < a/b <= 2.5, limiter has value (1+2*a/b)/3
90 bphi = third * (b + 2*a)
91 else
92 ! (1+2*a/b)/6 >= 1, limiter has value 2
93 bphi = 2*b
94 end if
95 end function af_limiter_koren
97 elemental function af_limiter_vanleer(a, b) result(phi)
98 real(dp), intent(in) :: a
99 real(dp), intent(in) :: b
100 real(dp) :: ab, phi
102 ab = a * b
103 if (ab > 0) then
104 ! Jannis: I think roundoff errors can lead to values slightly outside the
105 ! desired range
106 phi = 2 * ab / (a + b)
107 else
108 phi = 0
109 end if
110 end function af_limiter_vanleer
112 elemental function af_limiter_minmod(a, b) result(phi)
113 real(dp), intent(in) :: a
114 real(dp), intent(in) :: b
115 real(dp) :: phi
116 phi = af_limiter_gminmod(a, b, 1.0_dp)
117 end function af_limiter_minmod
119 ! Generalized minmod limiter with parameter theta = 4/3
120 elemental function af_limiter_gminmod43(a, b) result(phi)
121 real(dp), intent(in) :: a
122 real(dp), intent(in) :: b
123 real(dp) :: phi
124 real(dp), parameter :: theta = 4/3.0_dp
125 phi = af_limiter_gminmod(a, b, theta)
126 end function af_limiter_gminmod43
128 ! MC (monotonized central) limiter
129 elemental function af_limiter_mc(a, b) result(phi)
130 real(dp), intent(in) :: a
131 real(dp), intent(in) :: b
132 real(dp) :: phi
133 phi = af_limiter_gminmod(a, b, 2.0_dp)
134 end function af_limiter_mc
136 !> Generalized minmod limiter. The parameter theta controls how dissipative
137 !> the limiter is, with 1 corresponding to the minmod limiter and 2 to the MC
138 !> limiter.
139 elemental function af_limiter_gminmod(a, b, theta) result(phi)
140 real(dp), intent(in) :: a, b, theta
141 real(dp) :: phi
143 if (a * b > 0) then
144 phi = sign(minval(abs([theta * a, theta * b, &
145 0.5_dp * (a + b)])), a)
146 else
147 phi = 0.0_dp
148 end if
149 end function af_limiter_gminmod
151end module m_af_limiters
Module containing slope limiters.
This module contains the basic types and constants that are used in the NDIM-dimensional version of A...
Definition: m_af_types.f90:3