19 character(len=100) :: fname
22 type(ref_info_t) :: refine_info
38 real(dp),
parameter :: end_time = 3e-9_dp
39 real(dp),
parameter :: dt_output = 20e-11_dp
40 real(dp),
parameter :: dt_max = 20e-11_dp
41 integer,
parameter :: ref_per_steps = 2
42 integer,
parameter :: box_size = 8
45 real(dp),
parameter :: applied_field = -0.8e7_dp
46 real(dp),
parameter :: mobility = 0.03_dp
47 real(dp),
parameter :: diffusion_c = 0.2_dp
50 real(dp),
parameter :: domain_length = 2e-3_dp
51 real(dp),
parameter :: refine_max_dx = 1e-3_dp
52 real(dp),
parameter :: refine_min_dx = 1e-9_dp
55 real(dp),
parameter :: init_density = 1e15_dp
56 real(dp),
parameter :: init_y_min = 0.8_dp * domain_length
57 real(dp),
parameter :: init_y_max = 0.9_dp * domain_length
62 integer :: output_count
65 real(dp) :: sum_elec, sum_pion
67 call af_add_cc_variable(tree,
"elec", ix=i_elec, n_copies=2)
68 i_elec_old = af_find_cc_variable(tree,
69 call af_add_cc_variable(tree,
"pion", ix=i_pion, n_copies=2)
70 i_pion_old = af_find_cc_variable(tree,
71 call af_add_cc_variable(tree,
"phi", ix=i_phi)
72 call af_add_cc_variable(tree,
"fld", ix=i_fld)
73 call af_add_cc_variable(tree,
"rhs", ix=i_rhs)
75 call af_add_fc_variable(tree,
"f_elec", ix=f_elec)
76 call af_add_fc_variable(tree,
"f_fld", ix=f_fld)
81 [domain_length, domain_length], &
82 [box_size, box_size], &
83 periodic=[.true., .false.])
92 mg%sides_bc => sides_bc_pot
95 call mg_init(tree, mg)
97 call af_set_cc_methods(tree, i_elec, af_bc_dirichlet_zero, &
98 prolong=af_prolong_limit)
99 call af_set_cc_methods(tree, i_pion, af_bc_dirichlet_zero, &
100 prolong=af_prolong_limit)
101 call af_set_cc_methods(tree, i_fld, af_bc_neumann_zero)
109 call af_loop_box(tree, set_initial_condition)
114 call compute_fld(tree, .false.)
121 call af_adjust_refinement(tree, &
122 refinement_routine, &
126 if (refine_info%n_add == 0 .and. refine_info%n_rm == 0)
129 call af_print_info(tree)
133 call af_reduction(tree, &
140 print *,
"dt getting too small, instability?", dt
141 time = end_time + 1.0_dp
145 if (output_count * dt_output <= time)
146 output_count = output_count + 1
147 write(fname,
"output/simple_streamer_", output_count
151 call af_write_silo(tree, fname, output_count, time)
153 call af_tree_sum_cc(tree, i_elec, sum_elec)
154 call af_tree_sum_cc(tree, i_pion, sum_pion)
155 print *,
"sum(pion-elec)/sum(pion)", (sum_pion - sum_elec)/sum_pion
158 if (time > end_time)
161 do n = 1, ref_per_steps
165 call af_tree_copy_cc(tree, i_elec, i_elec_old)
166 call af_tree_copy_cc(tree, i_pion, i_pion_old)
171 call af_loop_tree(tree, fluxes_koren, leaves_only=.true.)
172 call af_consistent_fluxes(tree, [f_elec])
175 call af_loop_box_arg(tree, update_solution, [dt], &
179 if (i == 1)
call compute_fld(tree, .true.)
183 call af_loop_box(tree, average_dens)
186 call compute_fld(tree, .true.)
190 call af_gc_tree(tree, [i_elec, i_pion])
198 call af_adjust_refinement(tree, &
199 refinement_routine, &
203 if (refine_info%n_add > 0 .or. refine_info%n_rm > 0)
205 call compute_fld(tree, .true.)
212 subroutine refinement_routine(box, cell_flags)
213 type(box_t),
intent(in) :: box
214 integer,
intent(out) :: cell_flags(box%n_cell, box%n_cell)
216 real(dp) :: dx, dens, fld, adx, xy(2)
223 xy = af_r_cc(box, [i,j])
224 dens = box%cc(i, j, i_elec)
225 fld = box%cc(i, j, i_fld)
226 adx = get_alpha(fld) * dx
228 if (dens > 1e0_dp .and. adx > 0.8_dp)
229 cell_flags(i, j) = af_do_ref
230 else if (dx < 1.25e-5_dp .and. adx < 0.1_dp)
231 cell_flags(i, j) = af_rm_ref
233 cell_flags(i, j) = af_keep_ref
239 if (dx > refine_max_dx)
240 cell_flags = af_do_ref
241 else if (dx < 2 * refine_min_dx)
242 where(cell_flags == af_do_ref) cell_flags = af_keep_ref
243 else if (dx > 0.5_dp * refine_max_dx)
244 where(cell_flags == af_rm_ref) cell_flags = af_keep_ref
247 end subroutine refinement_routine
250 subroutine set_initial_condition(box)
251 type(box_t),
intent(inout) :: box
253 real(dp) :: xy(2), normal_rands(2), vol
259 xy = af_r_cc(box, [i,j])
260 vol = (box%dr(1) * box%dr(2))**1.5_dp
262 if (xy(2) > init_y_min .and. xy(2) < init_y_max)
264 normal_rands = two_normals(vol * init_density, &
265 sqrt(vol * init_density))
267 box%cc(i, j, i_elec) = abs(normal_rands(1)) / vol
269 box%cc(i, j, i_elec) = 0
274 box%cc(:, :, i_pion) = box%cc(:, :, i_elec)
275 box%cc(:, :, i_phi) = 0
277 end subroutine set_initial_condition
281 function two_normals(mean, sigma)
282 real(dp),
intent(in) :: mean, sigma
283 real(dp) :: rands(2), sum_sq
286 call random_number(rands)
287 rands = 2 * rands - 1
288 sum_sq = sum(rands**2)
289 if (sum_sq < 1.0_dp .and. sum_sq > 0.0_dp)
291 rands = rands * sqrt(-2 * log(sum_sq) / sum_sq)
292 rands = mean + rands * sigma
293 end function two_normals
296 real(dp) function get_min(a, b)
297 real(dp),
intent(in) :: a, b
302 real(dp) function max_dt(box)
303 type(box_t),
intent(in) :: box
304 real(dp),
parameter :: UC_eps0 = 8.8541878176d-12
305 real(dp),
parameter :: UC_elem_charge = 1.6022d-19
308 real(dp) :: dt_cfl, dt_dif, dt_drt
315 fld(1) = 0.5_dp * (box%fc(i, j, 1, f_fld) + &
316 box%fc(i+1, j, 1, f_fld))
317 fld(2) = 0.5_dp * (box%fc(i, j, 2, f_fld) + &
318 box%fc(i, j+1, 2, f_fld))
321 dt_cfl = min(dt_cfl, 0.5_dp / sum(abs(fld * mobility) / box%dr))
326 dt_drt = uc_eps0 / (uc_elem_charge * mobility * &
327 maxval(box%cc(1:nc, 1:nc, i_elec)) + epsilon(1.0_dp))
330 dt_dif = 0.25_dp * minval(box%dr)**2 / max(diffusion_c, epsilon(1.0_dp))
332 max_dt = min(dt_cfl, dt_drt, dt_dif)
341 elemental function get_alpha(fld)
342 real(dp),
intent(in) :: fld
344 real(dp),
parameter :: c0 = 1.04e1_dp
345 real(dp),
parameter :: c1 = 0.601_dp
346 real(dp),
parameter :: c2 = 1.86e7_dp
348 alpha = exp(c0) * (abs(fld) * 1e-5_dp)**c1 * exp(-c2 / abs(fld))
349 end function get_alpha
353 subroutine compute_fld(tree, have_guess)
354 type(af_t),
intent(inout) :: tree
355 logical,
intent(in) :: have_guess
356 real(dp),
parameter :: fac = 1.6021766208e-19_dp / 8.8541878176e-12_dp
357 integer :: lvl, i, id, nc
363 do lvl = 1, tree%highest_lvl
365 do i = 1,
366 id = tree%lvls(lvl)%leaves(i)
367 tree%boxes(id)%cc(:, :, i_rhs) = fac * (&
368 tree%boxes(id)%cc(:, :, i_elec) - &
369 tree%boxes(id)%cc(:, :, i_pion))
376 call mg_fas_fmg(tree, mg, .false., have_guess)
379 call af_loop_box(tree, fld_from_pot)
382 call af_gc_tree(tree, [i_fld])
383 end subroutine compute_fld
386 subroutine fld_from_pot(box)
387 type(box_t),
intent(inout) :: box
389 real(dp) :: inv_dr(2)
394 box%fc(1:nc+1, 1:nc, 1, f_fld) = inv_dr(1) * &
395 (box%cc(0:nc, 1:nc, i_phi) - box%cc(1:nc+1, 1:nc, i_phi))
396 box%fc(1:nc, 1:nc+1, 2, f_fld) = inv_dr(2) * &
397 (box%cc(1:nc, 0:nc, i_phi) - box%cc(1:nc, 1:nc+1, i_phi))
399 box%cc(1:nc, 1:nc, i_fld) = sqrt(&
400 0.25_dp * (box%fc(1:nc, 1:nc, 1, f_fld) + &
401 box%fc(2:nc+1, 1:nc, 1, f_fld))**2 + &
402 0.25_dp * (box%fc(1:nc, 1:nc, 2, f_fld) + &
403 box%fc(1:nc, 2:nc+1, 2, f_fld))**2)
404 end subroutine fld_from_pot
407 subroutine fluxes_koren(tree, id)
409 type(af_t),
intent(inout) :: tree
410 integer,
intent(in) :: id
411 real(dp) :: inv_dr(2)
412 real(dp) :: cc(-1:tree%n_cell+2, -1:tree%n_cell+2, 1)
413 real(dp),
allocatable :: v(:, :, :), dc(:, :, :)
417 inv_dr = 1/tree%boxes(id)%dr
419 allocate(v(1:nc+1, 1:nc+1, 2))
420 allocate(dc(1:nc+1, 1:nc+1, 2))
422 call af_gc2_box(tree, id, [i_elec], cc)
424 v = -mobility * tree%boxes(id)%fc(:, :, :, f_fld)
427 call flux_koren_2d(cc(:, :, 1), v, nc, 2)
428 call flux_diff_2d(cc(:, :, 1), dc, inv_dr, nc, 2)
430 tree%boxes(id)%fc(:, :, :, f_elec) = v + dc
431 end subroutine fluxes_koren
434 subroutine average_dens(box)
435 type(box_t),
intent(inout) :: box
436 box%cc(:, :, i_elec) = 0.5_dp * (box%cc(:, :, i_elec) + box%cc(:, :, i_elec_old))
437 box%cc(:, :, i_pion) = 0.5_dp * (box%cc(:, :, i_pion) + box%cc(:, :, i_pion_old))
438 end subroutine average_dens
441 subroutine update_solution(box, dt)
442 type(box_t),
intent(inout) :: box
443 real(dp),
intent(in) :: dt(:)
444 real(dp) :: inv_dr(2), src, sflux, fld
453 fld = box%cc(i,j, i_fld)
454 alpha = get_alpha(fld)
455 src = box%cc(i, j, i_elec) * mobility * abs(fld) * alpha
457 sflux = inv_dr(1) * (box%fc(i, j, 1, f_elec) - &
458 box%fc(i+1, j, 1, f_elec)) + &
459 inv_dr(2) * (box%fc(i, j, 2, f_elec) - &
460 box%fc(i, j+1, 2, f_elec))
462 box%cc(i, j, i_elec) = box%cc(i, j, i_elec) + (src + sflux) * dt(1)
463 box%cc(i, j, i_pion) = box%cc(i, j, i_pion) + src * dt(1)
467 end subroutine update_solution
470 subroutine sides_bc_pot(box, nb, iv, coords, bc_val, bc_type)
471 type(box_t),
intent(in) :: box
472 integer,
intent(in) :: nb
473 integer,
intent(in) :: iv
474 real(dp),
intent(in) :: coords(NDIM, box%n_cell**(NDIM-1))
475 real(dp),
intent(out) :: bc_val(box%n_cell**(NDIM-1))
476 integer,
intent(out) :: bc_type
479 case (af_neighb_lowy)
480 bc_type = af_bc_neumann
481 bc_val = applied_field
482 case (af_neighb_highy)
483 bc_type = af_bc_dirichlet
486 stop
"sides_bc_pot: unspecified boundary"
488 end subroutine sides_bc_pot
490end program simple_streamer
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