Data-driven reduced modeling of streamer discharges in air
J. Teunissen, A. Malagón-Romero
Submitted to Computer Physics Communications arXiv
Streamer discharge simulations in humid air: uncertainty in input data and sensitivity analysis
B. Guo, H. Malla, A. Malagón-Romero, J. Teunissen
Submitted to PSST arXiv
Journal articles
Macroscopic parameterization of positive streamer heads in air
D. Bouwman, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2025) arXivdoi
Measurement of the electric field distribution in streamer discharges
Y. Guo, A. Limburg, J. Laarman, J. Teunissen, S. Nijdam
Physical Review Research (2025) arXivdoi
Calculating radio emissions of positive streamer phenomena using 3D simulations
H. Malla, Y. Guo, B.M. Hare, S. Cummer, A. Malagón-Romero, U. Ebert, S. Nijdam, J. Teunissen
JGR Atmospheres (2024) arXivdoi
Investigation of positive streamers in CO2: experiments and 3D particle-in-cell simulations
X. Li, S. Dijcks, A. Sun, S. Nijdam, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2024) arXivdoi
Axisymmetric fluid streamer model in the AMReX library
I. Simonović, D. Bošnjaković, J. Teunissen, S. Dujko
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2024) doi
3D simulations of positive streamers in air in a strong external magnetic field
Z. Wang, A. Sun, S. Dujko, U. Ebert, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2024) doiarXiv
3D particle-in-cell simulations of negative and positive streamers in C4F7N-CO2 mixtures
B. Guo, U. Ebert, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2023) arXivdoi
3D modeling of positive streamers in air with inhomogeneous density
B. Guo, U. Ebert, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2023) arXivdoi
Double-pulse streamer simulations for varying interpulse times in air
H. Malla, A. Martinez, U. Ebert, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2023) arXivdoi
Quantitative modeling of streamer discharge branching in air
Z. Wang, S. Dijcks, Y. Guo, M. van der Leegte, A. Sun, U. Ebert, S. Nijdam, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2023) arXivdoi
Geometric multigrid method for solving Poisson's equation on octree grids with irregular boundaries
J. Teunissen and F. Schiavello
Computer Physics Communications (2023) arXivdoi (open access)
A computational study on the energy efficiency of species production by pulsed streamer discharges in air
B. Guo and J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2023) arXivdoi
A computational study of accelerating, steady and fading negative streamers in
ambient air
B. Guo, X. Li, U. Ebert, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2022) arXivdoi
A computational study of steady and stagnating positive streamers in N2-O2 mixtures
X. Li, B. Guo, A. Sun, U. Ebert, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2022) arXivdoi
3D particle simulations of positive air-methane streamers for combustion
D. Bouwman, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2022) doiarXiv
Parameter Distributions for the Drag-Based Modeling of CME Propagation
G. Napoletano, R. Foldes, F. Berrilli, E. Camporeale, G. de Gasperis, L. Giovannelli, E. Paouris, E. Pietropaolo, J. Teunissen, A. Tiwari, D. Del Moro
Space Weather (2022) doiarXiv
Radiation-Hydrodynamics with MPI-AMRVAC: Flux-Limited Diffusion
N. Moens, J.O. Sundqvist, I. El Mellah, L. Poniatowski, J. Teunissen, R. Keppens
Astronomy & Astrophysics (2022) arXivdoi
A comparison of particle and fluid models for positive streamer discharges in air
Z. Wang, A. Sun, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2021) arXivdoi
Simulations of positive streamers in air in different electric fields: steady motion of solitary streamer heads and the stability field
H. Francisco, J. Teunissen, B. Bagheri, U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2021) doi
Comparing simulations and experiments of positive streamers in air: steps toward model validation
X. Li, S. Dijcks, S. Nijdam, A. Sun, U. Ebert, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2021) arXivdoi
Simulation of positive streamers in CO2 and in air: the role of photoionization or other electron sources
B. Bagheri, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2020), arXivdoi
Distribution of Inception Times in Repetitive Pulsed Discharges in Synthetic Air
S. Mirpour, A. Martinez, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert, S. Nijdam
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2020) doi
Identifying magnetic reconnection in 2D Hybrid Vlasov Maxwell simulations with Convolutional Neural Networks
A. Hu, M. Sisti, F. Finelli, F. Califano, J. Dargent, M. Faganello, E. Camporeale, J. Teunissen
The Astrophysical Journal (2020) doiarXiv
A Computational Study of Negative Surface Discharges: Characteristics of Surface Streamers and Surface Charges
X. Li, A. Sun, J. Teunissen
IEEE TDEI (2020) doiarXiv
The physics of streamer discharge phenomena
S. Nijdam, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2020) arXivdoi (open access)
MPI-AMRVAC: a parallel, grid-adaptive PDE toolkit
R. Keppens, J. Teunissen, C. Xia, O. Porth
Computers & Mathematics with Applications (2020) doiarXiv
A computational study of positive streamers interacting with dielectrics
X. Li, A. Sun, G. Zhang, J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2020) arXivdoi
On the emergence mechanism of carrot sprites
A. Malagón-Romero, J. Teunissen, H. Stenbaek-Nielsen, M. McHarg, U. Ebert, A. Luque
Geophysical Research Letters (2019) doi (open access)
A geometric multigrid library for quadtree/octree AMR grids coupled to MPI-AMRVAC
J. Teunissen and R. Keppens
Computer Physics Communications [15 pages] (2019), doiarXiv
General relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamics with robust primitive variable recovery for accretion disk simulations
B. Ripperda, F. Bacchini, O. Porth, E.R. Most, H. Olivares, A. Nathanail, L. Rezzolla, J. Teunissen, R. Keppens
ApJS [19 pages] (2019) doiarXiv
The effect of the stochasticity of photoionization on 3D streamer simulations
B. Bagheri and J. Teunissen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. [10 pages] (2019), doiarXiv
Comparison of six simulation codes for positive streamers in air
B. Bagheri, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert, M.M. Becker, S. Chen, O. Ducasse, O. Eichwald, D. Loffhagen, A. Luque, D. Mihailova, J.M. Plewa, J. van Dijk, M. Yousfi
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. [20 pages] (2018), doipdf
Afivo: a simulation framework with multigrid routines for quadtree and octree grids
J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
Computer Physics Communications [11 pages] (2018), doiarXiv
Tumor classification with MALDI-MSI data of tissue microarrays: a case study
N. Mascini, J. Teunissen, R. Noorlag, S. Willem, R. Heeren
Methods [7 pages] (2018), doi (open access) pdf
A comprehensive comparison of relativistic particle integrators
B. Ripperda, F. Bacchini, J. Teunissen, C. Xia, O. Porth, L. Sironi, G. Lapenta, R. Keppens
ApJS 235 21 [20 pages] (2018), doiarXiv
MPI-AMRVAC 2.0 for Solar and Astrophysical Applications
C. Xia, J. Teunissen, I. El Mellah, E. Chane, R. Keppens
ApJS 234 30 [26 pages] (2018), doiarXiv
Electric field measurements on plasma bullets in N2 using four-wave mixing
M. van der Schans, P. Böhm, J. Teunissen, S. Nijdam, W. IJzerman, U. Czarnetzki
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (2017), doipreprint
Simulating streamer discharges in 3D with the parallel adaptive Afivo framework
J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2017), doipdf
3D PIC-MCC simulations of discharge inception around a sharp anode in nitrogen/oxygen mixtures
J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 044005 (2016), doipdf
The role of free electrons in the guiding of positive streamers
S. Nijdam, J. Teunissen, E. Takahashi, U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25, 044001 [13 pages] (2016), doipdf
Comparing plasma fluid models of different order for 1D streamer ionization fronts
A.H. Markosyan, J. Teunissen, S. Dujko, and U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24, 065002 [13 pages] (2015), doipdf.
Streamer discharges can move perpendicularly to the electric field
S. Nijdam, E. Takahashi, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
New J. Phys. 16, 103038 [9 pages] (2014), doiVideo abstractpdf
The inception of pulsed discharges in air: simulations in background fields above and below breakdown
A.B. Sun, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 445205 [9 pages] (2014), doipdf
Propagation of a positive streamer towards a dielectric tip in pure nitrogen and in air
A. Dubinova, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 42 2392-2393 [2 pages] (2014), doipdf
A time scale for electrical screening in pulsed gas discharges
J. Teunissen, A.B. Sun, U. Ebert
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 365203 [7 pages] (2014), doipdf
3D particle simulation of positive streamer inception from a needle electrode in supercritical nitrogen
A.B. Sun, J. Teunissen, U. Ebert
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 42, 2416-2417 [2 pages] (2014), doipdf
Controlling the weights of simulation particles: adaptive particle management using k-d trees
J. Teunissen and U. Ebert
J. Comput. Phys. 259, 318 [13 pages] (2013), doipdf
Why isolated streamer discharges hardly exist above the breakdown field in atmospheric air
A.B. Sun, J. Teunissen and U. Ebert
Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, 2417 [6 pages] (2013), doipdf
A comparison of 3D fluid, particle and hybrid model for negative streamers
C. Li, J. Teunissen, M. Nool, W. Hundsdorfer, U. Ebert
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 21, 055019 [14 pages] (2012), doipdf
A model comparison of 2D Cartesian and 2D axisymmetric models for positive streamer discharges in air
Z.Wang, A.Sun, J.Teunissen arXiv